Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Relationship Between Acculturation And Social Identity Education Essay

This text explains about the relationship between socialization and societal individuality of EFL scholars. Culture and societal individuality are closely connected to each other and it is so of import to pay attending plenty to them. I think the acquisition of 2nd linguistic communication requires cultural every bit good as lingual competency every bit good as unrecorded within cultural context. By socialization, we mean the internal procedures of alteration that immigrant experience when they come into direct contact with the members of other civilization. The other point is about societal individuality theory states that people think, feel, and act as members of collative groups and civilizations. So, in this text I briefly explicate about these two of import factors in the procedure of EFL scholars.Introduction:Culture in 2nd linguistic communication instruction and learning indentifies excessively many aspects of civilization that influence SL scholars and instructors. It addres ses the impact of civilization to interact, talk, build significance and write in a 2nd linguistic communication, while remaining within the socioculture paradigms particular to a peculiar linguistic communication and its talkers. ( Hinkle, 1999 ) I think through the survey of other linguistic communications, pupils gain cognition and apprehension of the civilizations that use that linguistic communication ; in fact pupils can non truly maestro the linguistic communication until they have besides mastered the cultural contexts in which the linguistic communication occurs. Actually, a scholar does non truly larn a linguistic communication absolutely unless he/she learn about the civilization of mark linguistic communication. So, I think the of import point is that, all pupils and scholars must pay attending plenty to this point. Linguists and anthropologists have long recognized that the signifiers and utilizations of a given linguistic communication reflect the cultural values of the society in which the linguistic communication is spoken. So, in my sentiment societal individuality of scholars can be made through this procedure. Linguistic competency entirely is non plenty for scholars of a linguistic communication to be competent in that linguistic communication ( Krasner, 1999 ) . Language scholars need to be cognizant, for illustration, of the culturally appropriate ways to turn to people, express gratitude, make petitions, and agree or disagree with person. They should cognize that behaviours and modulation forms that are appropriate in their ain address community may be perceived otherwise by members of the mark linguistic communication address community. They have to understand that, in order for communicating to be successful, linguistic communication usage must be associated with other culturally ap propriate behaviour. So, in my sentiment they should see plenty to the function of societal individuality and societal behaviour of themselves. In differentiation with personal individuality, societal individuality is basically a sense of belonging to a group, whether it is cultural, national, lingual, cultural or professional. All of these countries, among others, consist of the different constituents of our societal individuality. They can besides be referred to as different societal individualities. So, 2nd linguistic communication acquisition involves the acquisition of a 2nd individuality. This creative activity of a new individuality is at the bosom of civilization acquisition, or what some might name socialization. ( Brown, 2000 ) . This term can be defined loosely as the alteration that accurs within an person based on his or her interaction within two distinguishable civilizations. more specifically, Sam and Berry ( 1995 ) defined socialization E? as a construct used to mention to behavioural and psychological alterations that occur as a consequence of contact between people belonging to different civilization groups.E? ( p.10 )Body:Models of Socialization:Based on thoughts proposed in some research ( e.g. , Berry, 1970 ; Sommerlad & A ; Berry, 1970 ) , Sayegh and Lasry ( 1993 ) outlined three theoretical theoretical accounts for understanding the procedure of socialization: additive, bidimensional, and extraneous. Linear ( besides referred to as unidimensional ) theoretic al accounts imply that the socialization position of immigrants is divided into two classs. In one class, the cultural values and beliefs of the group dissolve, or assimilate, into the host civilization. In contrast, persons in the other class retain their value system and independency, therefore being â€Å" marginalized as inassimilable † ( Sayegh & A ; Lasry, 1993 ) . In contrast, bidimensional theoretical accounts suggest that there is an interaction between the dimension of cultural or cultural individuality care and the dimension of dealingss between civilizations or groups. Harmonizing to this theoretical account, four possible manners of socialization are possible: assimilation, integrating, marginalisation, and separation. Assimilation describes when an person from the cultural minority identifies wholly and entirely with the dominant or host civilization while rejecting their cultural individuality. Integration implies a province in which an person from the cultural minority retains strong traditions of their cultural group but besides identifies good with the dominant civilization. Marginalization refers to the happening of an cultural minority group rejecting or being uninvolved with either their cultural civilization or the dominant civilization. Separation is a theoretical account by which the cultural minority group identifies merely with their cultural group while excepting interaction with the dominant civilization. So, these classification must take into history.Definition of Culture:The National Center for Cultural Competence defines civiliz ation as an â€Å" incorporate form of human behaviour that includes ideas, communications, linguistic communications, patterns, beliefs, values, imposts, courtesies, rites, manners of interacting and functions, relationships and expected behaviours of a racial, cultural, spiritual or societal group ; and the ability to convey the above to wining coevalss † ( Goode, Sockalingam, Brown, & A ; Jones, 2000 ) . In its broadcast significance, civilization is a humanly created environment for all our ideas and actions. ( Tepperman et al 1994:1 ) .This is something all worlds portion and what distinguishes us from the carnal universe. After reexamining some paper, I realized that for many people, civilization would intend art, literature, imposts and mundane life peculiar to a certain group.However, civilization besides include unseeable characteristics like beliefs, values, norms and attitudes. The anthropological definition of civilization is besides shared by the other bookmans of the other Fieldss, including that of language.Lado ( 1986:52 ) writes in Linguistic Across Culture that civilization is synonymous with the â€Å" ways of people † ; Chastain ( 1988:302 ) defines civilization as â€Å" the manner people live † and, harmonizing to Brown ( 2000:176 ) , civilization is â€Å" a manner of life † .Goals of learning and learning civilization:When the chief purpose of foreign linguistic communication instruction is to develop pupils ‘ ability to pass on efficaciously and suitably in assorted state of affairss, the instruction of civilization should ease intercultural communicating and understanding.Seelye formulates what he himself calls a ace end for the instruction of civilization: † All pupils will develop the cultural apprehension, attitudes, and public presentation accomplishments needed to work suitably within a section of another society and to pass on with the people socialized in that civilization. â€Å" ( Seelye 1993:29 ) Chastain ( 1988:299-300 ) adds that in linguistic communication categories where intercultural apprehension is one of the ends, pupils become more cognizant of their ain civilization and knowing about the foreign civilization. In such categories, pupils learn to acknowledge cultural forms of behaviour and communicating and map within the parametric quantities with those new outlooks. They learn that civilization daze is a normal reaction, and they anticipate ways to cover with new and uncomfortable state of affairss. The hope is that they will develop a greater tolerance for those whose values, attitudes, and beliefs are different from their and that they will larn to pull off alteration and growing successfully in their life-time ( Damen, 1987 ) . Tomalin and Stempleski ( 1993:7-8 ) have modified See lye ‘s ends of cultural direction.According to them, the instruction of civilization should assist pupils: aˆ?to develop an apprehension of the fact that all people exhibit culturally-conditioned behaviours aˆ?to develop an apprehension that societal variables such as age, sex, societal category, and topographic point of abode influence the manner in which people speak and behave aˆ?to go more cognizant of conventional behaviour in common state of affairss in the mark civilization aˆ?to increase their consciousness of the cultural intensions of words and phrases in the mark linguistic communication aˆ?to develop the ability to measure and polish generalisations about the mark civilization, in footings of back uping grounds aˆ?to develop the necessary accomplishments to turn up and form information about the mark civilization aˆ?to stimulate pupils ‘ rational wonder about the mark civilization, and to promote empathy towards its people So, I think by utilizing these of import points, the pupils gain an of import end that may take them to be better in future.Specifying a cultural course of study:After reexamining some paper, all of them explains about an of import point which is that, cultural course of study. So, I feel it is better to advert here about that.The cultural course of study can be defined and classified utilizing different classs such as subjects, subject countries, and component of civilization and so on. Subjects for learning civilization: The easiest manner to plan a cultural course of study is to roll up a list of subjects that are thought to be of import for or of involvement to pupil. Brooks ( 1986:124-128 ) represented his list including 62 subjects. For illustration music, repasts, medical specialty, festivals, avocations, athleticss, callings etc. However, I think, he claims that such a list is in no manner thorough and stesses that the scholars ‘ age and demands should be considered. Chastain ( 1988:303-304 ) likewise to Brooks claims that pupils can add subjects with which they want to go familiar. In his list there are 37 subjects, including household, place, money, faith, vacation, apparels, good manners and non-verbal communicating. Chosen subjects can be grouped in to countries or classs. Stern ( 1992:219-222 ) emphasizes six classs which an mean linguistic communication scholar is likely to necessitate topographic points, single individuals and manner of life, people and society in general, history, establishments and, fainally art, music, literature and other accomplishments. In syllabus design Stern suggests that instructors should do a pick of a peculiar state where the linguistic communication is spoken. Hasselgreen ( 2003:47-52 ) suggests a list of classs. These classs are based on pupil ‘ essay and hence, see their involvements. The subjects are centered on scholars ‘ intercultural abilities. These are: the ability of get bying with day-to-day life activities, traditions and populating conditions, the ability to cover with societal conventions, assurance with the values, beliefs and attitudes of the foreign linguistic communication users, the ability to utilize verbal communicating agencies and in conclusion, the ability to utilize non-verbal linguistic communication ( e.g. , body linguistic communication and facial looks ) .Wayss of Teaching Culture:Authenticity of stuff: These experiences are valuable for cultural understanding merely in so far as the duologue or dramatic reading dependably reflects behaviour in the mark civilization. Some text editions begin with duologues which reflect common, mundane experience of the pupils in their native civilization, on the rules that they will non happen this confusing since they recognize a familiar state of affairs behind the unusual signifiers. ( Wilga M.1981:327 ) Displaies, postings, bulletin boards, maps and realia can make a ocular and touchable presence of the other clture.students can besides do civilization wall charts which Hughes calls this technique the cultural island. Using reliable beginnings from the native address community helps to prosecute pupils in reliable cultural experiences. Furthermore ; there are many attacks which are utile for instructors in order to assist them to learn the 2nd civilization efficaciously. The cultural aside is likely the most widely used attack to the instruction of civilization.A cultural aside is an unplanned, brief civilization remark. During the category, the instructor normally takes advantage of relevant subjects as they arise to give the pupils spots of cultural information. For illustration if the pupils have the word java, the instructor can distinguish between the java rummy in their state and that of the 2nd civilization and where and when people usually drink coffee. ( Chastain,1988:309 ) . Nostrand ( 1974:298 ) calls the technique an incidental remark. I think this technique can be utile for pupils. Another technique is slice-life which foremost suggested by Taylor in 1972 ; besides offered by Chastain in 1988 and Stern in 1992 is a technique when the instructor chooses a little section of life from the 2nd civilization that is presented to the pupils at the beginning or terminal of the category period. ( Taylor 1972 ) . The cultural learner is a brief description of a critical incident of cross-cultural interaction that may be misinterpreted by pupils. ( Henrichsen, 1998 ) .Cultural learners were originally designed for fixing Peace Corp voluntaries for life in a foreign environment. ( Austere 1992:223 ) . The civilization Capsule is besides used to learn civilization. It is a brief description of one facet of the 2nd civilization followed by a treatment of the contrasts between the civilizations of the first and 2nd linguistic communications ( Chastain 1988:310 ) The typical behaviour of a talker of the linguistic communication in a specific state of affairs is analyzed into constituent parts about which the pupils are informed in several civilization capsules. These capsules are classroom presentations of the constituents of the behaviour through the screening of images or through action with any necessary cultural objects. Subsequently, the pupils act out a scene into which is integrated what they have learned in the capsules. ( Wilga, 1981:329 ) . Some instructors use mini play to assist pupils visualise civilization content. Harmonizing to Chastain ( 1988 ) in this attack pupils incorporate the civilization being learned into their actions as they perform in selected state of affairss. See lye ( 1993:71 ) stresses that the instructor has to set up a non-judgment ambiance during the treatment. It is besides of import for the instructor to utilize the right inquiries. Another technique for learning civilization is self-awareness technique. It serves to raise to consciousness those basic beliefs that govern their values, attitudes, and actions and to enable pupils to get down to understand the function of civilization in society and in single lives. Teachers may utilize sensitiveness exercising, self-assessment questionnaires, job resolution, profiles of personal attitudes, checklists of value orientations, or listening to the sentiments of others as a agency of increasing their consciousness of their ain cultural orientation ( Damen, 1987 ) . Chastain claims that the manner people use the 2nd linguistic communication to show themselves reflects the manner they organize world and instructors can research the linguistic communication and civilization connexions that occur in category. Film and telecasting sections offer pupils an chance to witness behaviours that are non obvious in texts. Film is frequently one of the more current and comprehensive ways to encapsulate the expression, feel, and beat of a civilization. Film besides connects pupils with linguistic communication and cultural issues at the same time ( Stephens, 2001 ) , such as picturing colloquial timing or turn-taking in conversation. Harmonizing to Wilga ( 1981 ) vocals, dances, images, advertizements utilizing the Bulletin Board, intelligence, are besides utile activities which help instructors to learn civilization in category. So by utilizing these techniques, the scholars who are immigrants and travel into another state, can ease their capabality in order to go familiar with civilization of another state. After a piece, their socail individuality will determine their personality, so these two of import factors can be matched through utilizing these techniques.Decision:Here, I want to reason some subdivision. As an of import point, the thought of teaching civilization is nil new to 2nd linguistic communication instructors. In many instances, learning civilization has meant concentrating a few lessons on vacations, customary vesture, common people vocals, and nutrient. While these subjects may be utile, without a broader context or frame they offer small in the manner of enriching lingual or societal insight-es pecially if a end of linguistic communication direction is to enable pupils to work efficaciously in another linguistic communication and society. After reading some documents, if I want to look critically to this point, understanding the cultural context of daily colloquial conventions such as salutations, farewells, signifiers of reference, thanking, doing petitions, and giving or having regards means more than merely being able to bring forth grammatical sentences. I think it means cognizing what is appropriate to state to whom, and in what state of affairss, and it means understanding the beliefs and values represented by the assorted signifiers and uses of the linguistic communication. Culture must be to the full incorporated as a critical constituent of linguistic communication acquisition. Second linguistic communication instructors should place cardinal cultural points in every facet of the linguistic communication that they teach. Students can be successful in talking a 2nd linguistic communication merely if cultural issues are an built-in portion of the course of study. And the last point is that, Acculturation should be achieved as integrating, which means that both ain civilization and host civilization are seen as possessing value as themselves. Acculturation and societal individuality so are closely connected to each other.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Importance of Computer Essay

Computer is an electronic device used in almost every field even where it is most unexpected. That is why this age is called as the era of IT. And now we cannot imagine a world without computers. It is made up of two things one is the hardware and other is software. All physical components of computer like keyboard, mouse, monitor etc comes under the hardware whereas all the programs and languages used by the computer are called software. These days computers are the tools for not only engineers and scientists but also they are being used by millions of people around the world. Computers have become an integral part of our lives. Be it the desktop computers or laptop computers, both have various advantages in our daily life. The landscape of global communication has changed since computers have been introduced in our society. Importance of computers can be attributed to the fact that almost every sphere of our life is affected by computers. Information technology (IT) is a whole new industry that has developed after the introduction of computers. Presenting before you is an article with an abridged summary of importance in computers in various fields. Importance of Using Computer Among several advantages of computers, access to the Internet is hailed to be an advantage that has shaped the way we communicate. Importance of information technology has been such that besides creating millions of IT jobs, it has become an integral part of every other industry. Features and operations of IT are indirectly required in every other sector. Role of Computers in Education Right from elementary school students to PhD researchers, every educational system has been influenced by computers. Some of the uses of computers in education are as follows: †¢Students can be better prepared for the future technologies and it’s easier to explain them several topics that are hard to be understood without 3-D images. †¢Online education has made learning easier and convenient for a large section of population. †¢Easy access to encyclopedia on the Internet certainly makes us ponder over textbooks versus computer teaching. Online encyclopedia have made researching and preparing documents simpler. †¢Students aware of computer uses have better chances of job opportunities as computers literacy is a need now. Importance of  computer education was never so important as it is in the present scenario. †¢Using computer aided facilities like PowerPoint presentation eases understanding of complex topics. BANKS Almost every bank is using computers to keep the record of all the money transaction and other calculations. Moreover it provides speed, convenience and security. COMMUNICATION Communication is another important aspect of computer and has become very easy through internet and email. Computer communicates using telephone lines and modems. Through email we can send messages to anybody in any part of the world in just a second while if we write letter then it will reach in some days. So the internet has made the earth a global village and above all saves time. This would not be possible without computers. Internet helps to find information on every topic. It is the easiest and fastest way of research. Computer network makes the user capable of accessing remote programs and databases of same or different organizations. MEDIA Almost every type of editing and audio- visual compositions can be made by using special software especially made for this purpose. Some software can even make three dimensional figures which are mostly used in the cartoon films. Special effects for action and science fiction movies are also created on computer. TRAVEL AND TICKETING Computers do all the work of plane and train reservation. It shows the data for vacant and reserved seats and also saves the record for reservation. WEATHER PREDICTIONS Weather predictions are also possible by the experts using supercomputers. SPORTS It is also used for umpiring decisions. Many times the umpire has to go for the decision of third umpire in which the recording is seen again on the computer and finally reaches to the accurate and fair decision. Simulation software allows the sportsman to practice and improve his skills. DAILY LIFE We operate washing machines, microwave oven and many other products using software. Moreover we can store all the information about our important  work, appointments schedules and list of contacts. Crucial Role of Computers in Medicine The health care field has gone through a revolution after computers have been introduced in our society. Uses of computer in the medical field has been immense. Computers have been integrated with almost all medical technologies to improve accuracy in results. †¢Big hospitals require computer systems to maintain database of patient records. This has lessened the burden of paper management. †¢Some uses of computers in hospitals include maintaining staff attendance records, medical records recording of incoming and outgoing timings of staff, computerized accounting and managing records of patient and associated doctors. †¢The use of computers in medicine has gained more significance as heartbeat rate, pulse rates all can be checked on special graphs on monitor screen. †¢Internet technology has made it easier to exchange information, news and reports about latest medical development all across the globe. †¢Medical imaging has grown to become an extremely important aspect of medical diagnosis. By using techniques to create body images of even the most complex structures in the body, scientists have made it easier to treat ailments. †¢Web conferencing has made it easier for expert doctors sitting in some distant country to guide and instruct junior surgeons. More so, even while operation, many senior doctors can guide junior doctors. These are some of the amazing uses of computers in hospital set ups. †¢All surgical procedures are recorded in small cameras (some even installed in the medical equipment) so that the process of surgery can be learned better and improved. †¢Nowadays, even computer counseling is possible owing to extensive use of computers. Benefits of Computers in Business The use of computers in business has grown by leaps and bound since the last few decades. Here are some of the benefits of computers in business field. †¢Using Internet technologies, computer networking and several types of software, businesses are able to communicate all across the globe crossing geographical boundaries. †¢Communication has taken a new role among partners, suppliers, consumers and they’re able to keep a track of each other that facilitates the business process. †¢Development of software like  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions and Management Information Systems (MIS) have made it possible to centralize administrative features of a firm. †¢Project management and other planning activities are easily designed by integrating latest software with computers. This decreases time on planning and figuring out certain complex issues. †¢Seminars, conferences and meetings can be scheduled with bosses and big corporate giants through web conferencing that can be heard by all the employees simultaneously. While the debate on advantages and disadvantages of Internet or computers will always exist, it’s certainly a truth that computers have made our life totally different, progressive and better. So we can say that today computer is playing very important role in our lives. Now is the time when we cannot imagine the world without computers. And this technology is advancing both in industry and home. It has become necessary for everyone to have the basic knowledge about computer. Otherwise he cannot get a job as computers have invaded almost all the fields.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bowling for Columbine

Bowling for Columbine At one point a reporter acts as though he is bothered by the tragic killing of a six year old girl but when the camera is off is only worried about how his hair looks. Moore shows that through the fear induced by the media many Americans are desensitized to the vasy amounts of violence and gun related crimes and turning a blind eye towards a solution to it. In the graph provided with this assignment we see that violent crimes have actually gone down year after year and yet every time we turn on the news we are assaulted with violent images and reports of gun violence. The media keeps gun deaths and violence first and foremost using the news, newspapers, magazines, talk shows, etc to keep us in a constant state of fear. In the film we see the town of Virgin Utah passed a law requiring all residents to posse firearms but why would you want more guns? Because the media induced fear that without a gun you will become the victim of someone with one if you don’t. Who benefits from this fear? Well first gun manufacturers, As we’ve seen with the massive amounts of guns purchased following the tragedies of Columbine and Sandy Hook. Second would be the media, People tuning in to the news or talk shows or even buying a printed publication to read about the latest tragedy. Third would be defense manufacturers, People buying bullet proof jackets or bullet proof backpacks for their kids or even schools buying metal detectors. And finally the government, By keeping the public fearful it makes them predictable and therefore easier to control. And why would these companies and organizations want us to remain ignorant and fearful? Because of money. If you are fearful that your neighbor might harm you or your family then your more likely to run out and purchase a gun or home security system therefore generating huge profits for those keeping us fearful. If you think another country might do us harm you are more willing to go along with spending increases for the military without any hard proof. A government report comes out about increases in crime in your area and how more police are needed and they convince you to vote for tax increases to pay for these. This leads to reinforced ideas like don’t tread on me or an eye for an eye, If someone might do me or my family harm then I need to defend them. This has a legitimizing effect because unless guns are removed or the media stops reporting mainly negative and violent news people will continue to do each other harm. Even without the media stirring up fear there will still be violence and crime but would there be such high levels of violent crime? Personally I don’t believe there would be. Did this tragedy spark a moral panic? Yes and it’s evident in almost every high school in America these days. When I was in high school you could leave the campus at any time you wanted and during lunch time many students did. These days most high schools have a closed campus so you can’t leave for lunch or at any time you choose. In some schools they have cameras everywhere as well as metal detectors and security guards. In the past if a student joked about doing something horriffic, Like shooting up the school, Most kids laughed and didn’t take it seriously but today you could be expelled for it. You could even been expelled for something ridiculous like dyeing your hair blue or folding a piece of paper into the shape of a gun and pointing it at someone. I feel that this tragedy has started some serious discussions about gun control and violence in our society but until we reign in the media and hold those accountable for the massive levels of violence in the news, movies, tv, video games, and American life in general no ground will be made. In todays society we often forget about tragedies almost as quickly as they happened because of the next latest horrible event we are fed by the media. Bowling for Columbine Bowling for Columbine Bowling for Columbine At one point a reporter acts as though he is bothered by the tragic killing of a six year old girl but when the camera is off is only worried about how his hair looks. Moore shows that through the fear induced by the media many Americans are desensitized to the vasy amounts of violence and gun related crimes and turning a blind eye towards a solution to it. In the graph provided with this assignment we see that violent crimes have actually gone down year after year and yet every time we turn on the news we are assaulted with violent images and reports of gun violence. The media keeps gun deaths and violence first and foremost using the news, newspapers, magazines, talk shows, etc to keep us in a constant state of fear. In the film we see the town of Virgin Utah passed a law requiring all residents to posse firearms but why would you want more guns? Because the media induced fear that without a gun you will become the victim of someone with one if you don’t. Who benefits from this fear? Well first gun manufacturers, As we’ve seen with the massive amounts of guns purchased following the tragedies of Columbine and Sandy Hook. Second would be the media, People tuning in to the news or talk shows or even buying a printed publication to read about the latest tragedy. Third would be defense manufacturers, People buying bullet proof jackets or bullet proof backpacks for their kids or even schools buying metal detectors. And finally the government, By keeping the public fearful it makes them predictable and therefore easier to control. And why would these companies and organizations want us to remain ignorant and fearful? Because of money. If you are fearful that your neighbor might harm you or your family then your more likely to run out and purchase a gun or home security system therefore generating huge profits for those keeping us fearful. If you think another country might do us harm you are more willing to go along with spending increases for the military without any hard proof. A government report comes out about increases in crime in your area and how more police are needed and they convince you to vote for tax increases to pay for these. This leads to reinforced ideas like don’t tread on me or an eye for an eye, If someone might do me or my family harm then I need to defend them. This has a legitimizing effect because unless guns are removed or the media stops reporting mainly negative and violent news people will continue to do each other harm. Even without the media stirring up fear there will still be violence and crime but would there be such high levels of violent crime? Personally I don’t believe there would be. Did this tragedy spark a moral panic? Yes and it’s evident in almost every high school in America these days. When I was in high school you could leave the campus at any time you wanted and during lunch time many students did. These days most high schools have a closed campus so you can’t leave for lunch or at any time you choose. In some schools they have cameras everywhere as well as metal detectors and security guards. In the past if a student joked about doing something horriffic, Like shooting up the school, Most kids laughed and didn’t take it seriously but today you could be expelled for it. You could even been expelled for something ridiculous like dyeing your hair blue or folding a piece of paper into the shape of a gun and pointing it at someone. I feel that this tragedy has started some serious discussions about gun control and violence in our society but until we reign in the media and hold those accountable for the massive levels of violence in the news, movies, tv, video games, and American life in general no ground will be made. In todays society we often forget about tragedies almost as quickly as they happened because of the next latest horrible event we are fed by the media. Bowling for Columbine

Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 27

Business law - Essay Example The faculty chair of the department of economics at the University of Iceland, Gylfi Zoega, justifies the practice by recapping that it was a universal problem. â€Å"In New York, you have the same problem, right?† The actors use the utilitarian philosophy to vindicate their actions. The utilitarian philosophy holds that actions are rational if they result to a ‘summum bonum’, the greatest good and a happy end to a greater number. It contravenes the hedonistic approach where an individual acts for their own good and happiness. The revolving door, from a utilitarian perspective could be beneficial to both the private and government sector. For instance, former industry executives bring their rich knowledge and vast proficiency to the private segment and secure the private segment support needed in formulation and implementation of government policies. The former executives further would have sufficient influence over important individuals in government positions thus making it easy for firms to lobby for auspicious state policies and protocols. Moreover, former executives acquired jobs, power and influence and Charles Ferguson presents this as a beneficial approach to the financial crisis that was threatening to engulf America. The predominant notion is that allowing executives to switch positions was at the best interest the public; in reality, this was far from the veracity. However, the utilitarian approach to the revolving door issue was quite imprudent since utilitarianism justifies overlooking or minimization of widely embraced principles and justice in the formulation of ethical decisions. Instead, the actors should have framed their actions to be in line with the deontological philosophy and rights-based philosophy which could have led to the production of a fairly acceptable and justified movie. The deontological philosophy

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Financial Crisis The Great Depression Coursework

Financial Crisis The Great Depression - Coursework Example They perceived to have transferred the risks by practising dependency on unregulated investors through mechanisms like Special Purpose Vehicles and Special Investment Vehicles (SPVs & SIVs). The current economic crisis thus occurred as the result of exposure to Market Risks due to such risk transfer mechanisms that caused many loopholes in the Credit & Liquidity Risk Management. The entire disaster happened in the lending to Sub-Prime customers in home mortgage markets, which are individuals or companies not having clean credit history or regular source of income. The banks lend loans to Sub-Prime customers to avail the benefits of higher interest rates and used the mechanism of "Securitization" to secure themselves that essentially is the mechanism of distributing the risk of the lending to the investors outside the Banking system through a process called "Conduiting". The process of "Securitization" gave confidence to banks in this risky business and hence resulted in the boom of C redit Derivative Market. The money was believed to be flowing through these "conduits" directly from "investors to the borrowers" through the SPV and SIV system. The risk assessors never imagined that the underlying collaterals (houses) will face a crash in prices to a global level that would be uncontrollable by even the governments. Even the external rating agencies couldn't predict the Sub-Prime crisis because the Securitization Process was extremely complex and the dependency of valuations was upon scattered and unreliable data inside as well as outside the core banking system. This system expanded uncontrollably and the market competitiveness increasing exponentially resulting in banks sanctioning loans bypassing essential procedures as if there was "no time for risk management". The actual risks got covered under hyped data and fair valuation became a matter of joke to be cracked. [Schmitz, Michael. C and Forray, Susan J. pp28-30; Clerc, Laurent. 2008. pp1-7] Objective of the Research The following are the main objectives of my research: 1. Find out what the cause/s of the current financial crisis is/are; 2. Find out what effect the crisis is having on the United Kingdom, for example in terms of monetary power, and; 3. How individuals and businesses are affected; 4. Conclude what is being done, and what can be done about our current

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Optimality Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Optimality Theory - Essay Example Joseph Paul Stemberger And Barbara Handford Bernhardt "The Emergence of Faithfulness" Stemberger & Bernhardt, 1999 asserted "The basis of OT is the use of constraints rather than rules. Rules within language are procedures that construct representations and alter them in particular ways. Constraints, in contrast, are limitations on what is possible in a system. Constraints can also lead to the alteration of a representation such that information is lost or added. From a cognitive-psychological perspective, however, the mechanisms are quite different". (Stemberger & Bernhardt, 1999, pp. 417-446) If we conceptualize phonology as part of the process for producing and understanding language, the phonological properties of language must result from the fact that it is an extremely practiced behavior linked with the vocal tract of human beings. To move away from the more theoretical views of phonology, it is perhaps helpful to compare speaking to other moderately complex but repetitive neuron-motor activities, such as playing the piano. While a person learns to play the piano, he or she learns not just to strike notes, but to strike notes in sequence. Every piece of music has its own sequence of notes that should be learned. Practice is essential; the motor patterns that guide to the fluent, striking of longer and longer sequences of notes should be automated for a piece to begin to sound like music. With practice, the transitions linking the notes become more fluent, and the speed of execution mechanically increases. In order to maintain the correct rhythm and tempo, the player should at times hold back and not play every note as fast as doable. Several analogies with the acquisition and use of phonology are observable. Children learn phonological sequences as parts of words, never separately of words. Articulatory routines that are by now mastered are called forth for the production of new words, leading to a propensity of children to expand their vocabulary by obtaining words that are phonologically comparable to those they already know (Ferguson and Farwell 1975, Lindblom 1992). This propensity leads to the structuring of the phonological sequences across words and the restrictive of the potentially massive phonetic inventory. Put another way, the repetition of gestures and sequences across words permits relations of identity and similarity to expand in stretches of speech, giving rise to segment, syllable, and foot-sized units. Through practice, speakers become more fluent in stringing words together and this fluency and automation is typified by the smoothing of transitions and overlapping of movements forced by the need to retain information value. Several repeated sequences become highly automated and abridged in form. At the same time, speakers should be able to access and recruit sequences into new combinations to state their thoughts and intentions. With practice, t

Friday, July 26, 2019

Significance of Forensic Evidence Research Paper

Significance of Forensic Evidence - Research Paper Example Forensic evidence usually involves factors like modern computer, DNA fingerprints, forensic anthropology, toxicology, autopsy techniques and much more. Forensic evidence, therefore, has some significance to criminal justice and has some impacts on law. However, forensic evidence raises questions as to whether there are enough constitutional safeguards to help in maintaining the privacy of people. Moreover, forensic evidence has some great assets and liabilities. Forensic evidence has appreciable significance to criminal justice. For instance, forensic evidence has assisted in the arrest of people who commit rape crimes. In the past, when someone was raped, it was not simple to establish who did the rape. This was because the technological level was not so advanced. With forensic science, test can be carried out on a victim of rape to determine the person who did the rape. This technology simply collects some fluids from the rape victims for example semen and then it is taken for the DNA test. The results from such tests are in most cases accurate. This has therefore, been of positive significance to criminal justice. Another significance of forensic evidence to the criminal justice is in the accounting sector. Since the sector of accounts majorly deals with finances, it is prone to criminal activities. The sector of accounts has in the past lost many finances because of fraud cases by those in management, especially the accountants. Presently, forensic technology is also used in the financial sector to detect fraud cases. Financial sectors are, therefore, employing forensic accountants who assist in the detection of fraud. This has helped the courts in judging the cases that involve mismanagement of funds because before, such judgments were not easy to make. The judgments were not easy to make because in most situations there was no clear evidence. Forensic accounting has, therefore, contributed significantly to criminal justice. In crime scenes, the police inv estigators or rather the technicians of crime scenes usually examine all available evidence carefully and dust the scenes of crime purposely to retrieve some fingerprints in case of existence. These fingerprints are usually used to detect the individuals who were present at the time the crime occurred. These individuals can, therefore, help in the investigation process or if they are the criminals then the law acts on them. The detection of the characters with the same fingerprints like the ones collected the scene of crime is usually done with the assistance of forensic science. The evidence from this method is in most cases accurate hence the law courts find it easy to sentence such criminals. This forensic method, therefore, has helped in criminal justice significantly. Forensic evidence is also significant to the criminal justice because it gives the law courts clear evidence on the murder cases. Forensic science can be used in testing the bloodstains at a crime scene. Bloodstai ns and spatter analysis engages the examination of a crime scene, extension and trajectory of the blood in the crime scene (Kiely, 2001). It can, therefore, be used to determine a death cause, a victim’s location and the weapon used or the perpetrator. These collections are then taken to the forensic laboratory for analysis and finding of the results. It is the result from

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critical thinking and application paper Ethics Case Study

Critical thinking and application paper Ethics - Case Study Example The rule which has the best overall consequences is regarded as the best rule. This article is very pertinent to Gary Briar's issue since it also covers the pervasive corruption in foregin governments. The citizens of Afghanistan are afraid to report instances of corruption because they are afraid that they will be killed by government forces. The continuing corruption done by government officials constitutes a serious malady affecting the government. This article is related to the situation of Danny Briar as it features the strong dilemma of a Turkish government official pertaining to corruption being committed by other government officials. This article refers to the Turkish Interior Minister Saadettin Tantan, the leader of Turkey's anti-corruption drive, who has accused elements of the party of trying to slow his investigations. The move of Tantan was to resign from government office. Hence, Turkey has lost a key government official who could have stemmed the tide of corruption. This article is pertinent to the situation of Danny Briar as it attempts to take a proactive stance in dealing with corrupt officials. The article emphasizes the importance of putting out incentives to make officials forego corruption activities. This article features the private efforts of a Sudanese cellphone billionaire, Mo Ibrahim, who will give an annual prize worth more than US $5 million dollars to an African head of state who was freely elected, turned over power to a freely elected successor and governed well while in office. This prize can help all African leaders to govern well and avoid the temptation of robbing their country of natural resources. d.) "Border Agents, Lured by the Other Side" Randal Archibold and Andrew Becker. New York Times online. Mqy 27, 2008. Available at URL: This article is pertinent to the case study since it als deals with how government agents, border patrol agents are lured by money officers. The article features two Villarreal brothers who were former Border Patrol agents, who were suspected of helping to smuggle an untold number of illegal immigrants from Mexico and Brazil across the border. The Villarreal investigation were among the corruption cases that have alarmed officials in the Homeland Security Department. e.) "China Confirms Poison Was on Toy Beads" New York Times Online. By KEITH BRADSHER. Published: November 11, 2007. This article is similar to that of Danny Briar as it also features the case of poison found in Chinese toy beads, Acqua Dots. The Chinese government had confirmed the presence of poison on toy beads exported around the world. The brightly colored toy

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Thread Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thread - Assignment Example Thus, America was observed as a function of consciousness by the Frontiers (Shames, n.d.). According to Shames, America’s frontier provides opportunity and hence, brought the concept of more in order to bring about optimism and retain economic boom. Similarly, the typical consumer behavior suggests of engulfing more satisfaction. The greed for more beyond the satisfaction level of the consumers leads individuals and organizations of the country to be over ambitious for the achievement of goals and objectives. However, this over ambitious nature also leads to the creation of attitude amid people of the America. They had a notion that there is no worst thing than losing. Additionally, they developed an attitude of obtaining the optimum output from every resource (Shames, n.d.). Shames termed 1980s â€Å"an era of nostalgia† because prior to that period the young urban working people were considered as money-oriented. The sole motive of the people of America was that money is the ultimate requirement for them. Also it is to be noted that because of the greed for ‘more’ people did not adapt to e other values and desire that are essential for human being. People were less conscious of the personal lives and his/her social responsibilities. However, in the 1980s the people realized the importance of the social life through spending times with friends and family members. Moreover, in that era the coinage of the two terms namely, ‘hippie’ and ‘yippie’ was done. Thus, Shames rightly termed 1980s as â€Å"an era of nostalgia† (Shames, n.d.). Shames was ironical about the concept of ‘more’ from the American people. This is because he has been observing the people of America to be more inclined to the concept of ‘more’. The people in that period were so busy in their professional work that they had forgotten the social need and responsibility of every individual.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Accounting - Assignment Example The game changer in Ameritel Company is the manner in which it reaches out to its employees, retailers, track sales as well as timely implementation of its new marketing strategies with the desirable Salesforce. Its Salesforce managed to reach out to the entire sales region to bridge the gap that exists between the company call center and sales teams. Furthermore, Ameritel is undertaking training campaigns for its dealers according to Reid, 2014. Ameritel has a mechanism that enables monitoring of its inventory anytime anywhere due to its efficient tracking system. The tracking system eases instant and effective visibility of dealer performance and purchases. Reid, 2014 adds that half of the organization explores working with pop and mom accounts that utilize Ameritel in selling T-Mobile. The remaining half collaborates with the wholesale section to supply the T-Mobile as well as activities involving tracking. Ameritel uses Salesforce because it is striving to achieve absolute best experience in its internal operations as well as to the customers. The other issue in its top priority is to surpass its customer expectations besides general company

Fast Food, Fat Food Essay Example for Free

Fast Food, Fat Food Essay Nowadays, fast food is a very popular trend in Thailand. Teenagers think it is very smart when they go into the fast food restaurant, especially, the restaurant which is a part of foreign franchise restaurants. Not only teenagers that like fast food but also children and adults. In the busy schedule of modern times people have no time to prepare nutritious food during the day so fast food becomes a very convenient choice. However, there are several health issues related to consuming fast food; one serious concern is the connection between fast food and obesity. Because of the growth of fast food restaurants, you can see them located anywhere in daily life. For example, on the first floor of MBK Centre, there are numerous fast food restaurants, such as KFC, McDonald’s and Burger King situated not far from each other. However, at lunch time, you cannot find any seats if you arrive late. Similarly, at Chulalongkorn University there are more than 5 branches of 7-eleven, which is a shop where you can buy fast food such as sandwiches, hot dogs, and hamburgers. You would think that there are not many people there. Although there are many branches, students also have to wait in a long queue. This can show how popular fast food is. Fast food is very popular not only in Thailand but also all over the world. The information from Wikipedia showed that â€Å"Burger King has more than 11,100 restaurants in more than 65 countries, Pizza Hut is located in 97 countries with 100 branches in China, KFC is located in 25 countries and McDonald’s is located in 120 countries on 6 continents and operates over 31,000 restaurants worldwide. † Although fast food is very popular, it is not good for health because fast food is often high in carbohydrates, fat and sodium. Common menu items at fast food restaurants are fried chicken, French fries, hot dogs and ice cream. All of them are made of dangerous ingredients such as low quality bread, high fat meat and salt. The fast food bread is made from refined grains that have been modified from their natural composition, so a fraction of the nutrients in grains are removed, remaining only excessive starchy. Next ingredient is the high fat meat which can cause several health problems. Fat from animal sources is saturated fat that increased the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels which results in adverse negative effects on the health of person’s heart (â€Å"The Importance of Dietary Fat and Cholesterol†). The last dangerous ingredient is the thing that makes fast food has a delicious taste; it is salt or sodium chloride. Scientists from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition recommend only 4 grams of salt per day because overconsumption of salt will cause high blood pressure and obesity (qtd. in â€Å"Salt†). In fact, according to the CASH survey, a Pizza Hut meal deal, which consisted of a Cheesy Bites Meat Feast, a medium Super Supreme, a portion of garlic bread, a portion of potato wedges, chicken wings, and a cheesecake dessert shared equally between four, could contain 12. 3 grams of salt per person (qtd. n â€Å"Fast food salt levels shocking†). â€Å"People are increasingly being warned against the ill effects of fast food and the potential damage they pose to human health† (Manohar). Many publications write about health problems from fast food such as nutrition deficiencies, increased cholesterol levels and diabetes. However, the most concern is obesity because this can link to many other dangerous health problems. One reason that fast food can cause obesity is because of its high calories. In one day, men need about 2,700 calories and women need about 2,000 calories but you can get excess calories from only one meal with fast food. For example, a KFC meal set includes KFC famous Bowls (Rice and Gravy), a breast of fried chicken, a box of French fries and a 32-oz Gulp of Pepsi. You can gain 790 calories from the bowl, 370 calories from the chicken, 500 calories from French fries and 425 calories from Pepsi, so from all of these you will have about 2,085 calories (â€Å"KFC Nutrition Guide†). As a consequence from the warning in many publications, the danger of fast food is widely known. However, no matter people know how it is linked to many health problems, it is also the popular choice. We cannot avoid fast food completely in our day-to-day life considering its taste, convenience and instant delivery. Fast food is suited to our everyday lifestyle, but, as we know, a little bit of everything is always good while overexposure to that â€Å"little bit† is disastrous more often than not. Fast food is not an exception to this.

Monday, July 22, 2019

My Jewish Experience Essay Example for Free

My Jewish Experience Essay In a first glance, Hawaii seems to be a country that strictly holds its cultural values and identity with pride, leaving no room for foreign beliefs and practices to grow. However, my first impression has been proven wrong as for the first time, I set foot on the halls of Temple Emanu-el, a Jewish synagogue situated in 2550 Pali Highway, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96817. On a Friday evening, 28 November 2008, half an hour past seven, I was exposed to the practices and beliefs of Orthodox Judaism through Rabbi Peter B. Schaktman .. It was a moment of mixed emotions for me since I only knew Judaism through books, television, films, and internet, and that I thought I would have been overwhelmed by the spectacle of one of the world’s major religious systems However, I was initially surprised by the size of the synagogue as it was totally different from how I had imagined it to be; the place was relatively small, perhaps because Judaism is not Hawaii’s main religion, nevertheless, the size of the place was just different from what I always thought. Judging by the size of the place, I would say that 300~350 people could seat accommodated in the synagogue. The structure’s ceiling was high, and the interior designs made me recall the facades of the Roman Catholic Church. The synagogue also contains what the pastor called an Ark, the ark is a decorated cabinet wherein the Torah of the synagogue is housed And like other places of worship, I also noticed that Temple Emanu-el also has a pulpit in an elevated platform where the torah and other scriptures are read. Judaism is a religion that promotes Jewish identity and culture, I seemed to have noticed that there is not much art in the in the Ark of Temple Emanu-el. The most probable reason is that the Jewish consider that part of the synagogue as the holiest area. Apart from the decorative curtain that serves as the cover for the Ark, the only objects to be seen in the synagogue are object of religious significance such as the ark and a candle stand. The only non-religious object close enough to be considered art were a couple of flowers in vases positioned near the ark. During the worship service proper, the only clergy member present in the synagogue was Rabbi Schaktman. I have no idea as to why he was the only clergyman present during the time, but during the worship services, he was accompanied by a Cantorial Soloist named Ken Aronowitz who sang the songs and hymns. Although religious hymns and songs are not to be appreciated as an artistic effort, I can say that Mr. Aronowitz’s voice is captivating enlightening. While I was participating in the worship services, I have observed that the devotees have the book named Gates of Prayer. I realized that people from the sect consider the book as a guide to the service and to spiritual enlightenment. From my experience that night, it appears that in every service, the Rabbi discusses and interprets every chapter of the book with the devotees. Based on my observation, the book contains the words of God as well as the hymns of praise to God. Continuing further with the practices and rituals, I noticed that a particular differences between Judaism and Christianity, first is on the discussion of the contents of Gates of Prayer. During the service, Rabbi Schaktman read and discussed the distinction of Jews from non-Jews through analysis of the words non-Jews celebrate : Jews Observe. The Rabbi interpreted the exact contents of the book, however, he just used a language that everyone could simply understand. There are certain moments where the Rabbi told us a story based on his experiences and related the story with the topic discussed during that night. And the story the Rabbi used was an article from the newspaper Honolulu Advertiser which revolved around the celebration of thanksgiving. The Rabbi said something about Jewish attitude for Thanksgiving, and in doing so, he implied that as a Jew, celebrating Thanksgiving is violating the Law of Moses and that conforming to tradition not set by God and his prophets Christmas should be eliminated. Another distinction I have observed in the Jewish worship service was the hymn or the songs of praise. In practicing Christianity, I had to separately bring the bible and a book which contains more than 700 songs. In Temple Emanu-el, the words from God (which is taken from the scriptures) and songs were compiled in the Gates of Prayer, and most of the songs of praise appear to be sung in the Hebrew language. In addition, the songs of praise come in between the Rabbi’s preaching. After he finished a paragraph in the book, people sing. Although I couldn’t understand the language of the hymn, the songs definitely got through me in such a way that the tunes of the songs remain in my head. If I had recorder, I really wanted to record the songs but, our instructor advised that it is a rude gesture to bring a recording device and record activities of people we are not familiar with. Another fascinating ritual is the Jewish commemoration of the dead. The walls on both sides of the Temple Emanu-el lists names of more than 500 people on wood surrounding the synagogue and right beside the names were light bulbs with a few turned on.. At first I thought it was some sort of decorative art to make the temple attractive, but I asked to Rabbi after the service, and he said that the names with the light bulbs turned on were the dead people who worshipped in the temple and died during that week or that month. The Rabbi also said that it was the Temple’s way of cherishing the memory of their deceased brothers and sisters. Although the temple’s ritual of honoring the deceased was relatively new to me, it produced a deep impression on me. This is because I only knew of commemorating rituals in the traditions of Christianity. And I personally thought that the Christian practices of preserving the memory of the dead accorded with the other religious systems. Another ritual I saw during my visit at the Temple Emanu-el was the Jewish tradition on marriage. That night, an engaged couple came to the temple with their families, the Rabbi gave them blessing of Lynne Chun and Harvey Reackmil on the occasion of their upcoming marriage, and after the Rabbi granted the blessing, everyone started to say â€Å"mazltof! † I guess that it is their way of saying congratulations to the newly blessed couple. . After the speech of service, Rabbi Schaktman slowly came to our side and tried to make eye contact with each of us. I initially thought that I needed to pay for the collection just like in the Christian church that I used go to. But from the way he looked at us, I felt like he is trying to give us a chance to realize our sins for the past week and prompt us not to make the same mistakes again. Following the ending ceremony of the service, I came to a realization that the Jewish religion is not as promising as it claims itself to be. As far as I respect some of the Jewish beliefs, customs, traditions, and practices, I honestly find Judaism’s norms uncomfortable. One is that the doctrines are so individualistic and very prejudiced as the Rabbi discussed the evils of not being Jewish and how the Jewish way turns out as the right path in life. Also the Rabbi gave us an impression that I and the rest of the class who went there were not welcome in their temple or in their community. Maybe I was just being too sensitive in this matter, but when I tried to talk to the Rabbi, he did not pay any attention to what I was saying or to the questions I were asking. The experience was alienating, although the Rabbi constantly told us to comeback anytime, we felt it was just a gesture with no thought to it. As my disbelief and mistrust in God or any divine being, I find myself unmoved by the beliefs and practices of Judaism. Neither did its changed my skepticism of God As such, visiting the temple and participating in Jewish worship services did not affect my beliefs, ideas, and my own perception of the experience as well as the religion itself. However, it does not necessarily mean that I do not respect Judaism and all of its followers, as a matter of fact; despite the unwelcome treatment we received from the Rabbi, my utmost respect for Judaism and for its believers remain firm. Like other major religions in the world, my visit in Temple Emanu-el has proven that Judaism, as manifested by their doctrines and songs of praise, is a religion rich in tradition, culture, and ways to establish identity. But religion is not about continuation of tradition or establishment of identity, but it is more of professing and expressing personal beliefs regardless of what such beliefs hold.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Bauhaus Movement: Characteristics and History

The Bauhaus Movement: Characteristics and History Introduction From the expression Bauhaus we still feel something fresh. In every day speech it is associated with the beginning of the modernism and it is invoking in us association with basic forms (square, triangle and circle), basic colours (red, yellow and blue), furniture from the metal, white architecture and functionalism. History of the small school that Bauhaus was, is a mixture of facts and interpretation from different sources. But Bauhaus was the phoenix that every generation understands differently. For us, Bauhaus is a symbol of rationalization and modernity of lifestyle, where we cannot find any unnecessary comfort. At the same time, it is an enemy for the conservative culture. We can say that Bauhaus has been connected with left wing all the time. For Nazi Germany Bauhaus was culturally Bolshevik, international and Jewish. But Nazis used the modern devices of the Bauhaus very often. Almost all members of the Bauhaus emigrated and lot of Jewish relatives were killed. In German Democratic republic, where the main school (Weimar and Dessau) was established, Bauhaus was denied till sixties. After that, they started to integrate it to their cultural heritage. On other hand, for the Federal Republic of Germany, Bauhaus was the main part of modernism. A Graphic design of Bauhaus acknowledges this historical concept and invites readers to take a fresh look at the facts about typography and advertising and printing workshop at the Bauhaus school. It is for the first time in ninety years after establishment of the most successful art academy of twentieth century, the Graphic design of Bauhaus, which brings together works of graphic design from three different schools of Bauhaus located in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin. The team has brought the numerous treasures of the collections of the masters such as Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Joost Schmidt and Herbert Bayer. We wish that the readers will enjoy A Graphic design of Bauhaus and they will focus and concentrate on the creativity of the Bauhaus. Historical evolution When the Germany was established in 1871 it experienced change from the agrarian state into industrial. The reform artists of secession from Darmstadt, Munich and Dresden brought to Germany movement of Arts and Crafts from England, which was actually an opposition to industrialization. The new school that was set up in that period was characterised by different workshops, the most famous schools were Art school in Munich and Art and craft school in Weimar set up by Henry van de Velde in 1908. In 1907 Deutcher Werkbund (Union of German art), which conciliated between capitalism and culture was set up in Munich. In 1910, Walter Gropius became a member of Deutcher Werkbund, where he organized an exhibition of industrial works and during that time he gained a lot of experience for leading Bauhaus school. During the war, Gropius was very good leader and during that four-year period he was very quickly promoted to embarkation officer. After the war, in 1919, he continued his discussion with Velde about his succession. When he returned to Saxony, the School of art was closed and the only school that existed there was School of arts and crafts. He wanted to unite both schools and both schools accepted it. This was his first step for the Bauhaus school. Architects, painters, sculptors, we must all return to crafts! For there is no such thing as professional art. There is no essential difference between the artist and the craftsman. The artist is an exalted craftsman. By the grace of Heaven and in rare moments of inspiration which transcend the will, art may unconsciously blossom from the labour of his hand, but a base in handicrafts is essential to every artist. It is there that the original source of creativity lies. Let us therefore create a new guild of craftsmen without the class-distinctions that raise an arrogant barrier between craftsmen and artists! Let us desire, conceive, and create the new building of the future together. It will combine architecture, sculpture, and painting in a single form, and will one day rise towards the heavens from the hands of a million workers as the crystalline symbol of a new and coming faith. Walter Gropius Weimar (1919 1925) Walter Gropius wanted to create an architecture school that will reflect the time after the World War I. In 1919 he published manifesto of Bauhaus, which was focused against academic reform for art school. Main idea of the manifest was co-operation between craftsmen and artists. According to the other universities, Gropius reached back to the old model of craftsmans guilds. At the early age of Bauhaus was founded organization so study that was base of Bauhaus: the successful admissions examination, all students had to attend one year of preparation course called Vorkurs (primary course) a sort of trial semester, where they learned the sense for colours, materials, structures and they developed certain skills. After this preparation they were divided into workshops to earn a certificate of apprenticeship and simultaneously underwent artistic training. Between years 1919 and 1923 Bauhaus was strongly influenced by expressionism. After that, when Gropius talked about the school, he did not want to accept similarity of the De Stijl, the school he was very much against. In 1923, Bauhaus changed the direction and ideas. At that time, they were influenced by functionalism (they co-operated with Neue Sachlichkeit movement). In February 1924, social-democratic government, which has been supportive of Bauhaus, lost the main control in parliament to Nationalists. As the school was dependent on the government grants, and in 1925 Gropius signed less financing than was necessary for the schools budget, at the end of same year Bauhaus had to be closed in Weimar. Dessau (1925 1932) When the Bauhaus had to move out, under the pressure of conservatives and rightists, several cities offered to take it over. But the Bauhaus decided to move to Dessau, because they offered them to build a new school. At that time, school was entering a new era. The lessons officially started on April 1st 1925. The Bauhaus program was changed; what was important at that time, was connection between creativity and industry. In 1927 Walter Gropius called for Hannes Meyer, who became a leader of architecture department. In 1928 when Gropius resigned, Meyer became a director of the Bauhaus. This change was very important for Bauhaus because Meyer introduced the extension of the scientific basis of teaching methods and artworks became more scientific. For teaching the lectures at the school leading experts across the entire field of philosophy, psychology, and physics were invited. Now in the workshops, students began to produce standard products that became available for majority of population. Meyer raised the number of students to 200, what was not very good for school, because it has lost the elite character. Bauhaus had to be accessible to the proletariat. In 1930 Meyer was replaced by new director Mies van der Rohe, who kept the distance from any political stance. He wanted students to be primarily educated technically, artistically and in the crafts, so the education looked back to the Weimar basis. As director of Bauhaus, he had to face to lot of problems, school did not receive public construction contracts, and the city had reduced the its funding. He also had to face to the growing hostility towards Bauhaus in Dessau. Berlin (1932 1933) When the Nazi Party was becoming to the power, many of the members labelled the Bauhaus un-German and they accused the school from the Bolshevik subversive activities. Bauhaus was forced to move to Berlin in 1932, since when it was a private school only, but circumstances forced the director to close the school in April 1933. Political tension As the director of Bauhaus, Mies van der Rohe, had to face a lot of difficulties, which mainly occurred during financial crisis in 1929 and also the enemies to Bauhaus in Dessau. City reduced financial funding dedicated to Bauhaus. Budgets in years 1931 and 1932 were lower than spending appraised by Meyer. The similar public contracts, that Gropius and Meyer received; did not come. The space in Bauhaus building had to cleared for technical school that had more than 1400 students (meanwhile Bauhaus had only around 170 students), so the Bauhaus could use only one floor with seven ateliers. Strong student communistic party also existed at Bauhas. The last issue of their magazine was printed in Berlin in 1932, which was strongly supported by many students. Groups of students orientated to the right also existed there. In 1933, after school was closed, they made a petition for re-opening it. Mies van der Rohe aided also the spiritual sight of Bauhaus with lot of seminars. He invited philosophers such as Helmuth Plessner and Hans Freyer, who taught by anthropologies regularity. Preliminary course One of the most important innovations in teaching at Bauhaus was preliminary course. At the beginning, this course was only one semester long. but later it changed into two semesters and what was important about this course was the fact, that every student had to pass it. After that it had to be decided, if the student is able to study further or not. From 1919, the course was lead by Johannes Itten, who made some specific rules that were irrational, but from the winter semester 1920/21 they were obligatory. As Itten became the big opponent for Gropiuss new orientation for industry and productivity, in 1923 he decided to leave school. After that Gropius made a big revision of preliminary course. From 1924 the courses first semester was lead by Josef Albers and more practical than the second one lead by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy that had more theoretical aspects. Josef Albers lead the course as education of crafts and it was understood as creators education. Moholy-Nagy preliminary course was well known by its three major areas that it was focused on. The first one consisted on learning how to combine elements. The second one was focused on exercises to distinguish composition from construction. And the last one, probably the most famous, was focused on three dimensional study designs. The course was mainly about how to create objects from simple elements and materials. Hannes Meyer, the director of Bauhaus from the year 1928, the necessity of the preliminary course confirmed. From 1930 the course was changed into courses of Gestapsychology (psychology of form), sociology and social economy. In the same year the communistic students asked for (total) discontinuation of the preliminary course. In 1930, director Mies van der Rohe declared the preliminary course as voluntary. He introduced the exam at the end of all semesters, that declared who is able to continue study further or not. According to these exams, the preliminary course lost the meaning of choosing talented students, homogenization of students and education to creativity. But the Mies van der Rohe enlarged the preliminary course for the architects of free drawings without instruments, because he wanted to develop their visual abilities. Albers led this course as well. In 1938, the preliminary course was changed into visual training course that had to prepare students to vision in context. From todays point of view, the preliminary course was missing historical, nature and economic context. Workshops For Walter Gropius, the workshops were the most important part of education in Bauhaus. The first concept was, that after the passing preliminary course, the student should start studying to be an architect. This idea has never changed into reality, because at the time when Gropius was director on Bauhaus, the architect department existed just for one year from 1927 to 1928. So we can say, that during his time, Bauhaus had to reform education system of art and crafts. In Weimar Bauhaus these workshops existed: the ceramics, the weaving, the metal, joinery, the wall painting, the woodcarving and stone sculpture. Besides the workshops, theater group, graphic editions and printing workshop also existed there. In Dessau, some of the workshops were put together into one workshop, or the name had been changed, or it was discontinued. Finally, only seven workshops existed: the metal, joinery, woodcarving, wall painting, the printing and advertising, sculpture and the theatre. The teaching of architecture on Bauhaus existed from the year 1927, when three other workshops were formed. After that, it was easier to get the architecture education: the students needed just one year of experience in of the workshops. Lot of students abandoned Bauhaus with journeyman certificate or diploma and they never studied architecture. It mostly happened during the time when Hannes Mayer was the director of the Bauhaus. Hannes Mayer, as a new director, started with some of the changes. He grouped some of the workshops; he totally discontinued the woodcarving workshops, because the main teacher, Oskar Schlemmer, left the school in 1929. He set up a new workshop for photography, but he wanted to group this workshop with the printing and advertising workshop. So we can say, that during the period when he was in charge, Bauhaus was mainly education institution for designers and architectures. Everything changed when Mies van den Rohe became the director. After that it was possible to study architecture also without passing the preliminary course. At that time, Bauhaus was mainly orientated to the architecture. The biggest problem of workshops at that time was, that on one hand the workshop represented pedagogic principle but on other hand students had to gain some money by their works. From expressionism to constructivism The first years of Bauhaus, 1919 1921, were very expressionistic but Walter Gropius was strongly against De Stijl that was very similar to Bauhaus. In year 1923 Bauhaus was ruled by motto art and technique new unity that was characteristic till 1928. But the big change came in 1922, with the first sign being the change of the logo; expressionistic cachet of Bauhaus with star man from Karl Peter Rohl changed into constructivism head of man designed by Oskar Schlemmer. Expressionism, that was politicized after 1918 such as cathedral of socialism was now out and De Stijl movement became very popular, mainly because of painter and theoretic Theo van Doesburg. From April 1921, Doesburg lived in Weimar and intensively cooperated with Bauhaus. He strongly influenced not only students but also teachers. He talked about De Stijl mostly and he abhorred craft that was studied on Bauhaus and he asked to use modern technologies to create a modern life. He thought that artists shouldnt present their spiritual life or emotions but they should know their responsibility for creating the unity of the world. He did not allow all of the materials and he used just basic colours (red, blue and yellow) combining with no-colours (black, white and grey) but they could be combined in whole, rectangular areas. The creativity was balancing opposite meaning of the expressing tools: black and white, yellow and blue, horizontal with vertical, vacuum and matter. He attributed the creativity of space to the colour, that was popular in wall painting workshop. Doesburg theory was combination of variety of knowledge. Countervailing of opposites had to come to the achievement of true and beauty of universe. It was followed by belief in machines. The change from expressionism to constructivism started by group of Hungarian students. For them constructivism meant: constrictive, utilitarian, rational and international. Not only students changed their style but also teachers e.g. Kandinsky made geometrical their expressionistic art language. Composition of Paul Klee became more rationalistic; stroke of the brush and coating of colours was less personal, technical look. Schlemmer developed the theory of art, where he connected the basic human movements such as standing, swimming and walking with elementary ideas combining the basic ideas of De Stijl and constructivism. When Hungarian painter Laszlo Moholy-Nagy entered to Bauhaus in 1923, he changed his expressionistic past into constructivism art language. Until the year 1928 Bauhaus was influenced by different influence, that was not only from his own teacher but also from outside architects and designer suggestions. Alter Adolph Gropius (* 18. may, 1883, Berlin, German Empire †  5. July, 1969, Boston, USA) He was born into the architect family. He started studies to be an architect in 1903 in Munich and he finished in 1907 in Berlin. He cooperated with Mies van der Rohe, Dietrich, Le Corbusier, Arcks and Adolf Meyer. But his biggest carrier started when he became a director of Grand-Ducal Saxon School of Arts and Crafts in 1919. He transformed whole school into world famous Bauhaus. But under the pressure from conservative party he had to move from Weimar to Dessau in 1924, where he started to teach in more modern way. In Dessau he built the building for school, houses for masters and himself, everything built in a functionalism style. He also built habitation Torten in Dessau, where he created new urban concept, where houses were built in parallel and the main communication was connected to them perpendicular. He left the school in 1928, but he continued working as an architect. Between years 1929 and 1956 he was vice-president of CIAM (Congres International dArchitecture Moderne). In 1934 he had to immigrate to London but then he moved to the USA, where he became a professor at Harvard University, where he modernized education system. He built lot of famous building worldwide such as John. F Kennedy Federal Office Building in Boston; Pan Am Building in New York; University of Bagdad, etc. Ludwig Mies van den Rohe (* 27. march, 1886, Aachen †  19. august, 1969, Chicago) He got his first experience from his father who had his own stone-carving shop. In 1905 he moved to Berlin, where he got job by architect and furniture designer Bruno Paul. He designed his first work when he was just 21 years old. He set up his own office in 1912. We can see that he tried to connect architecture with techniques in his work. He was the first one to use flat roof and cubistic material. Between 1930 and 1933 he became director of Bauhaus, but he had to face very complicated situation, so in 1938 he immigrated to the USA. He was famous because of his sentence less is more and his Brno chair is so famous that is still produced nowadays. We can find his buildings worldwide e.g. villa Tugendhat in Brno, Seagram Building in New York, National Gallery in Berlin, etc. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (July 20, 1895 November 24, 1946), chyba hviezdicka a krizik He was born into Jewish Hungarian family but he changed his German surname into Hungarian surname after his aunt and he added his second name after the city where he grew up. He studied law in Budapest and he met with constructivism in Vienna for the first time. In 1923 he came to Bauhaus where he started to teach preliminary course because Johannes Itten left the school. We can say, that it was the end of his expressionism carrier and as we know, the Bauhaus was well known school, because of versatility of artists and he was no exception. Later at the Bauhaus he focused on photography and typography, but his main passion was preliminary course, where he gave students very complicated tasks to solve. From 1925 to 1928 he cooperated with Herbert Bayer in printing workshop and his responsibility was graphic edition of almost all books printed by Bauhaus. Moholy-Nagy was against the typical photography and he tried to teach his students to see and present world by different perspective and he taught students to use the modernist techniques. He used different techniques such as montage, inversion of light values, double illumination, etc. Officially, the photography was learnt at the Bauhaus since 1929, but at that time, he was not more in school. In 1928 he moved to Berlin and after that he travelled through Europe and finally he moved in 1937 to Chicago where he lived till his death. Hannes Meyer (* 18. November 1889 †  19. July 1954) He was born in Switzerland and practised as an architect in different countries such as Switzerland, Belgium and Germany. Meyers design philosophy is reflected in the following quote: 1. sex life, 2. sleeping habits, 3. pets, 4. gardening, 5. personal hygiene, 6. weather protection, 7. hygiene in the home, 8. car maintenance, 9. cooking, 10. heating, 11. exposure to the sun, 12. services In 1926 he established his own company with his friend and during that time, he produced his two most famous projects for the Geneva League of Nations Building and Basel Petersschule. Unfortunately none was built. In 1927 he came to Bauhaus as a teacher of architecture and only one year later he became to be a director. A lot of changes to the education system came with him, the most important being enlargement of the theoretical scientist base of education. He was a good example of extreme functionalism and he was strongly against art part of architecture. During that time, many good teachers left the school e.g. Herbert Bayer and Macel Breuer. During the holidays in 1930, he had to leave Bauhaus, because of his strict communistic thinking. He moved to Moscow where he formed group Left Column. Consequently, he moved to Switzerland, Mexico and back to Switzerland where he died in 1954. Herbert Bayer (Hagg, Austria, 1900 Santa Bà ¡rbara, United States, 1985), chyba hviezdicka a krizik He was one of the students at the Bauhaus being taught by e.g. Wassily Kandinsky, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and meno Gropius. After his studying, he was named to be a director of printing and advertising workshop. One of his characters was that he used only sans serif typefaces for almost all of the Bauhaus publications. In 1925 he created his own typeface called Universal today known as Bayer Universal. He left the school in 1928 and he moved to Berlin where he became to be the director for German magazine Vogue. Ten years later, he escaped from Nazi Germany to New York, where made carrier almost in every possible aspect of graphic art. He stayed in the USA till his death and he produced phonetic alphabet for English. It was basically again sans serif typeface but without capital letters. He became one of the most influential graphic designers of the twentieth century. Printing and advertising workshop During seven years of existence, 1925 1932, printing and advertising workshop changed completely. Each director had main role for this workshop. When Walter Gropius was the director of Bauhaus it was a production workshop in a small scale. The main product was advertising. When Hannes Mayer became director of Bauhaus everything changed. Joost Schmidt, the head of the workshop, developed the advertising, but in three-dimensional forms where quality of a graphic design was more important. Meanwhile in De Stijl and constructivism the art was more important than quality. When Schmidt dream became true, to create o professional printing and advertising workshop, everything changed again, new director, Mies van den Rohe, it was again only the teaching workshop and the result was that this workshop was closed before whole Bauhaus was closed. When Bayer became a head of the workshop, he gave it a new purpose by introducing the subject of advertising. The new teaching timetable of 1926 contained a summary of the content of its classes: the methods and construction of advertising and their effective application were to be investigated and, in future planning, standardization and advertising psychology were to be studied. In 1925, this workshop became a obligatory part of preliminary course and the Bauhaus was distinguished from other graphic schools that tried to train student to be a specialist in advertising. In first semester the students supposed to take undertake practical work after that it was combination of theoretical and practical. They studied the differentiation of advertising media and the most important was studying how to use photography and film in advertising. In forth semester they studied the structure and drafting of advertising plans. They had to focus on German industrial format and what was the most important for them, was the catch of the viewers eye. Bayer focused on design of advertising, rather than the placement, meanwhile when Joost Schmidt was head of printing and advertising workshop, he focused on visual rules of design. At the beginning the students had to experiment with geometric forms but it was almost forbidden to use free forms. For him, it was unsuitable to use collages, typeface exercises and photographs but the abstract form was the most important for advertising. Schmidt created a new kinetic model for exhibition according to Moholy-Nagy work. Meanwhile, students got the technique skills for advertising in typesetting and printing. A new workshop for photography directed by Peterhans was opened in 1929, but till that time Schmidt tried to teach students perspective drawing and painting. Between 1928 and 1930 they produced several exhibitions, for example in Berlin and Linz. But their financial situation went wrong and also Mies van der Rohe was very critically to Schmidt workshop so for the next exhibition he wanted to show his doubts about Schmidt. What was even worse was the fact that even the photography students had to distance from Schmidt teaching methods. Following year he was under big pressure and finally in 1932 he collapsed. Typography in Bauhaus In the first year of existence of Bauhaus school in Weimar, typography was not very well developed. There were just two calligraphers at school, Johannes Itten and Lothar Schreyer but for them, it was just expression of artistic meaning and at the beginning practical field of application was missing there. Development of typography started in 1923, when school poster with unique typeset and design was made. Year after that, it was changed to school emblem. The original one, that looked like masons mart, a spread-eagled figure carrying aloft a pyramid, was replaced by the new one designed by Oskar Schlemmer that looked like geometric profile of a head, which could be very simply reproduced. The typical characters for Bauhaus typography were rules and sans serif types, that somehow became a stereotype, but accepting the stereotype was the part of radical reform. In 1921 the Bauhaus master Johannes Itten tried to make reform, where he combine black letter (Fraktur) with heavy Victorian types, where we can see the combination of printers ornaments, dots and squares. He set up one of the first Bauhaus characteristics, which was geometrical feature of the page. The next step for Bauhaus typography was to solve the problems with German alphabet that was quite old according to the new machine age. They decided to write all nouns in German starting with capital letter. A footnote, which appeared on the Bauhaus letterhead designed by Herbert Bayer in 1925, stated the schools attitude uncompromisingly: Towards a simplified way of writing This is the way recommended by reforms of lettering as our future letterform, cf. the book sprache und schrift (speech and letterform) by dr. porstmann, union of German engineers publishers, Berlin 1920. In restricting ourselves to lower-case letters our type loses nothing, but becomes more easily read, more easily learned, substantially more economic Why is there for one sound, for example a, two signs A and a? one sound, one sign, why two alphabets for one word, why double the number of signs, when half would achieve the same? The main character for Bauhaus typography was geometrical base that was base for functionalism. At the Bauhaus, Josef Alberts and Joost Schmidt made a lot of alphabets, but it was Bayer, who was the main typographer there. His well known typeface Universal (1926) consisted of circles and straight lines of a constant thickness on a grid squares. They used upper and lower case, but they never combined them and they always combined them with vibrant colours. But situation has radically changed when Là ¡szlà ³ Moholy-Nagy entered the school in 1923. He introduced the ideas of New Typography. What he wanted, basically, was that the typography had to be communication medium and message should be clear. Since 1923 his influence was visible on advertising campaign for Bauhaus and after that when the Bauhaus moved to Dessau, he became co-editor of Bauhaus typography, where the Bayer was director of printing and advertising workshop. The typical characteristic of that period was that bold sans serif was used for heading and subheading for single words to interrupt the flow of lines. This innovation was technically complicated in metal type. From that time, the typography was very closely connected with corporate identity of school. It was clear, that type prints, the articulation and accentuation of pages through distinct symbols or typographic elements highlighted in colour, and finally direct information in a combination of text and photography were the main characteristics for Bauhaus typography. Herbert Bayer also designed letters that appeared on Bauhaus building in Dessau. He was responsible for all printing material for Bauhaus. Because the workshop was limited to narrow sans-serifs fonts some of them became very similar. He used vertical and horizontal rules and printed it on red and black and this became another stereotype of the Bauhaus. But it was very common for many avant-gardes. His most ambitious work was poster designed for Kandinsky sixteens birthday exhibition. It was printed on orange paper and again he printed it red and black and you can see strong rectangularity. Bauhaus, De Stijl and Vkhutemas Main characteristics of Bauhaus: The main colours that they used are blue, yellow and red and the characteristic shapes were triangle, square and circle. One of the most characteristic features for the Bauhaus was simplicity. The design was very simple in lines and shapes. They used straight lines or gentle, smooth curves. They werent afraid to use shapes. It wasnt so strict as in De Stijl. We can also see repetition of certain layers. They also used a row of identical cylinders of two, three corners that were out from the others to produce very simple but strong effect. Next strong feature was quality. The products they made were light and airy. They used new materials such as steel, aluminium, plastics and glass. Tables and chairs are another strong feature. Often they were focused on design some small pieces where they used materials such as plastics, class, chrome and other metals that could somehow highlight the materials themselves. The materials had to be cleaned by water easily and quick. We should also unde rstand the difference between the functionalism of Craftsman and Bauhaus design. The other typical feature was the Bauhaus material wasnt handcrafted pieces but it was made in mass production. They had to have the industrial look. Main characteristics of De Stijl: Same as in the Bauhaus the main colours for De Stijl were red, yellow and blue and supporting colours we can say that were black, white and grey. Every colour had some meaning for example the yellow meant expansive and vertical. On the other hand the blue one was opposite, soft, retiring and horizontal. The meaning of red was expressed the radiating movement of the life. Combining all three colours you will have green. But for example Analysis of the UK Confectionery Industry: Thorntons Analysis of the UK Confectionery Industry: Thorntons Confectionery Industry In The UK Contributes A Major Amount Of Revenue To The Countrys Economy Chapter 1: Introduction Confectionery industry in the UK contributes a major amount of revenue to the countrys economy. Repeated case studies have revealed that the confectionery industry is ever growing and the demand for creativity and innovation in the products in increasingly demanded by the consumers in the UK market. Alongside, the growth in the confectionery industry has also resulted in the stiff competition among the players in the market with many global competitors like Cadbury and Nestle. The growth of more focused and niche market targeting companies have also grown tremendously in the UK, which includes companies like Thorntons, Ferroro UK ltd, etc. The stiff competition in the market and the increased penetration of the big players into various market segments has further disturbed the position of companies like Thorntons. This report is focused on the analysis of the marketing strategies for Thorntons Plc and provides valuable suggestions for future expansion and strategies to gain competiti ve advantage in the UK chocolate market. The report aims to achieve the following objectives To effectively segment the target market for Thorntons and identify those segment(s) here the company can effectively develop its business. To identify the importance of buyer behaviour and establish that the effective deployment of buyer behaviour would help the company understand its target market in detail so as to gain market share. Provide recommendation for an appropriate short-term promotional campaign in the UK for increasing the awareness on the companys products in the target market. Devise a sales or promotion campaign for the company in order to increase its sales through focusing on establishing the brand of Thorntons in the market as a strong competitor. Present a critical analysis of the advertising strategy mentioned in the case study for Thorntons and device a new advertising strategy that would include a creative media based plan in order to increase the awareness among the customers in the target market Also device a critical structure for the direct marketing plans in order to reach the over 50 years segment of customers in the UK market. Chapter Overview Chapter 1: Introduction This is the current chapter that introduces the reader to the objectives of the report and the flow of the report text. Chapter 2: Market Segmentation and buyer behaviour This chapter first presents an analysis on the market segmentation and identifies those segments that the company should target upon for further market expansion. This is then followed by the overview of the buyer behaviour and the use of buyer behaviour by the company in order to gain competitive advantage in its target market. Chapter 3: Advertising and Promotion This chapter first presents a discussion on a short-term promotional campaign for the company in order to increase the awareness of the products in the existing target market. This is then followed by a detailed overview of the advertising plan incorporating creative plans in the media based advertising in order to promote the products of the company. This is then followed by a critical analysis on the direct marketing strategy for over 50 years segment of customers in the UK in order to effectively reach that segment of the market so as to increase the sales as well as the market share. Chapter 4: Conclusion The objectives of the chapter are reviewed against the research and analysis conducted in the previous chapters and then a conclusion is derived based on the results of the analysis. Chapter 2: Market Segmentation and Buyer Behaviour 2.1: Market Segmentation From the case study of the company it is evident that the major segments in the Chocolate market include Count lines Moulded Bars Boxed Chocolates Seasonal Products and Bagged Self lines It is also evident that the company under debate i.e. Thorntons Plc specialize in the manufacture and sale of Boxed continental chocolates in the UK and global market. Hence the market segment that the company primarily operates is under the sub sector of the Boxed chocolates in the Chocolates industry of the UK. A further segmentation of the Boxed Chocolates market in the UK based on the price and quality is presented below