Thursday, October 31, 2019

Compare and Contrast two poems from your own interpretation Essay

Compare and Contrast two poems from your own interpretation - Essay Example The mention of death, â€Å"This is how I want to die!† (Sexton 5–6) suggests the persona’s suicide ideation, hence confirming the first assumption. The persona is unmindful of the other images in the painting, thus he expresses, â€Å"The town does not exist† (Sexton 1). At the lower right side of Van Gogh’s painting is an image of a town with houses that seem to be eaten up by the magnificent clouds. The persona is too focused on the stars in the painting, hence neglects the other things around the stars. This fascination with stars is suggestive of an irony. Normally, happiness is associated with merry-making, having parties, loud music, singing, dancing, etc. However, in the poem, the persona equates happiness with a starry night, gloom, silence, solitariness, and even darkness. Death is thus viewed as a positive experience, a beautiful thought, an attraction. Madness is the main theme in Fagle’s poem. The persona could likewise be Van Gogh, and the time setting could be before he commits suicide. The persona feels madness creeping in him and tries to fight it and thus pleads, â€Å"God deliver me - help me now deliver/all this frenzy back into your hands.† (Fagles 23–24). There is the struggle to keep himself sane. It is interesting to determine what makes the persona insane? The introductory lines bear this idea of insanity, thus: â€Å"Long as I paint/I feel myself/less mad (Fagles 1–3). The persona acknowledges the fact about his madness. He believes that painting could keep him from insanity. However, this statement is an anti-thesis because as the readers follow the thoughts of the persona regarding his painting, they will be convinced that painting only makes the persona lose his mind more. In the consequent lines, the persona reveals how deeply he is engrossed with his art that he imagines a â€Å"clo udrack

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

World War III. Introducing C. Wright Mills and Goertzel Article Essay

World War III. Introducing C. Wright Mills and Goertzel Article - Essay Example Mills's collection market paper- back, The Causes of World War III, sold more than one hundred thousand copies to the civilians who were anguished by the Sputnik after they comprehended that the United States did not contribute to the campaign against the altering of the nuclear attack (Mills 32). In the book â€Å"The Causes of World War III†, it is noted that there was a â€Å"relentless thrust of assertion and a bludgeoning style, none of which affected the complexity of argument or the credibility of evidence†. According to Mills it was much easier for the Soviet Union to substitute the impassioned description for a thorough analysis. In spite of these weaknesses, Mills tries to view and compare the elites of United States and the Soviet Union in the year 1950. This is aimed at drifting and thrusting a force towards the war that was alleged to have affected the nations. In the year 1958, Mills describes that it was not evident that United States was ever going to en d the war with the North Vietnam or the Soviet Union. This was anticipated to the post World War II domination of the world strategies that were imposed by Americans and the Soviet Union and it was due to turn down. ... The explosion of the New Left movements in the 1960s is not only attributed to his art work alone, but they undoubtedly contributed to it. Mills' policies were not based on the prediction of the future, but the change that was to be inculcated. The New Left was often disparaged for not abiding by the policies that composed of positive proposals for change. Mills evaded the problem and through his pacifist manifesto of 1958, the radical, utopian demands, such as unilateral nuclear disarmament were combined with the practical modification that could easily be accepted by liberals. This included the recognition of Red China, the increment of foreign aid, and the enhancement of student interactions with the Soviet Union. Majority of the liberal reforms, were implemented making the book to yield not only in the promotion of specific policy proposals, but in shaping the zeitgeist of 10s prejudice. The potency and shortcomings of the New Left are projected in Mills’ polemical writing s (Mills 54). Facts Goertzel Uses Against Mills Analysis According to Mills analysis, there has been an introduction of the power elite in the 1960s. These are termed as the definitive assumptions, terminologies and research techniques. The objective approach of the examining group’s success is directed by the economic resources. The main principle of the sanction of power is the ability to maintain a balanced national income. The industrial complex is increasingly dominating the American nation. Goertzel states that there have been two main intervals of military upsurge during the last thirty years - the Vietnam War and the Reagan years. These upsurges are exceptional of the longer trend. These exclusions have been as

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Role Of Ward Based Advanced Nurse Practitioners Nursing Essay

The Role Of Ward Based Advanced Nurse Practitioners Nursing Essay This original research was conducted in a large teaching hospital in North West England that examined ward-based Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) and aimed to clarify their roles and expectations in patient care and how they impact the clinical practice. Study participants (which consist of five ANPs, 14 ward-based nurses, and five patients) were observed and invited to participate in interviews. The roles and skills of ANPs were observed and gathered from the interviews. ANPs were described as pivotal in the management of patient care and served as an invaluable link between the medical and nursing team. They frequently translated medical information for nurses, patients and other allied healthcare professional to make sure that the plan of care was well understood and provide further explanations if necessary. ANPs were observed to be confident practitioners, good information resource and by using their technical knowledge and skills served as a role model to support the nurses and junior doctors to enable them to be more efficient in providing care. In addition, ANPs were found to be less intimidating than doctors and more approachable in resolving care issues. Meanwhile, ANPs were faced with a number of challenges and have to ove rcome skepticism from other health professionals who have different views on the ANP role expectation and scope of practice. ANPs perceived that their education had not adequately prepared them for their clinical role. ANPs have great impact in nursing practice and patient care. Although the study strives to clarify the role of the ANPs, the findings regarding the role of ANPs are not clearly defined and lack consistency that may lead to role conflict and overload. Running Head: How are acute care nurse practitioners enacting their roles in healthcare teams? A descriptive multiple-case study This multiple-case study conducted in two-university affiliated teachings hospitals in Quebec, Canada aimed to understand how cardiology acute Care nurse practitioners (ACNPs) enacted their roles in healthcare teams. Data were collected from interviews, field notes, documents and time and motion study of NP activities. The work activity pace was faster before noon due to patient care demands. Participants in one hospital believed that NP role was not an integrated role of medical and nursing components but an expanded role because they assumed more expanded nursing role components than the medical role. In addition, NPs needed to consult with physicians for patient care decision making that were within their scope of practice. They did not have that much authority in regards to decision making due to lack of structures to formalize the organizational role. There were also inconsistent messages about the role expectations to attempt to formalize the prescriptive authority of NPs which had not been approved by the medical advisory board. On the other hand, participants in the other hospital believed that NPs enacted their role more in the medical component since the medical directives and prescriptive privileges had been approved by the medical advisory board. NPs had greater autonomy in their role and prescriptive authority. It was also noted that NPs participated very little in nursing activities such as implementing nursing care plans or use of clinical care pathways. In both hospitals, the largest role component was the clinical role. The transfer of prescriptive and decision-making authority must be addressed to enable NPs to work their full scope of role to optimize patient outcomes. Clarifying role structures were expected to enable the NPs enact their role in healthcare team and prevent role confusion. Running Head: Defining NP scope of practice and associated regulations: Focus on acute care This review of literature was conducted to define the NP scope of practice (SOP) with emphasis on NPs in acute care setting. Documents were gathered from different resources including National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN), individual state board of nursing, and NP scope and standards of practice. According to Federation of State Medical Boards (2005) and NCSBN (2009), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“SOP is a set of rules, regulations and boundaries within which a fully qualified NP may practiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . It defines what activities a profession can undertake. Both practice acts (state regulatory board form of statutes approved by legislators) and its rules and regulations define NP SOP and require approval from legislators to become law. The Consensus Model for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) Regulation was developed to resolve different issues concerning inconsistent APRN education and licensure requirement across jurisdiction and issues in certification. It helps stand ardize regulations for APRNs. Professional regulators are working together in implementing a consistent SOP for NPs in all jurisdictions. According to American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), NPs are licensed independent practitioners that provide nursing and medical services emphasizing on health promotion and disease prevention. In addition, NPs have a collaborative practice agreement with the physicians. However, regulations are different from state to state NP SOP are not clearly defined and further clarifications are needed especially as it pertains to NPs working in acute care to ensure that NPs are practicing according to their education, training and competency as evidenced by the certifications they hold. Running Head: NURSE-DIRECTED INTERVENTIONS TO REDUCE CATHETER-ASSOCIATED URINARY TRACT INFECTION This research focuses on the evidence-based practice guidelines conducted at the University of Colorado Hospital as a quality improvement project to initiate a nursing-driven approach to reduce the incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infection and improve patient outcomes. A catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is the most common cause of healthcare-associated infection. It is a major health concern leading to prolonged hospital stay and increased healthcare cost. Evidence-based use of indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) must be enforced to reduce the prevalence of CAUTI. In this project, an intervention design was implemented to evaluate the nurse-driven intervention incorporating evidence-based guidelines. The goal is to decrease the prevalence CAUTI by emphasizing health education on specific unit-based nursing practice. Improving the nursing care by educating the nurses regarding insertion, management and early removal of IUC to ensure the best practice and expanding this education to ancillary services (eg. rehabilitation and transport staffs) were found to positively impact the CAUTI rates. Focused unit interventions such as providing education on postoperative catheterization, use of bladder scanner to check for urinary retention to minimize IUC reinsertion, and encouraging early removal of the urinary catheter were found to decrease the catheter days and prevent infection. Providing education by infusing the best evidence into current practice are important interventions to raise awareness. Incorporating evidence-based guidelines and strategie s by focusing of nursing-driven interventions can improve patient outcomes.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Witches :: essays research papers

In the Malleus Maleficarum, Sprenger and Kramer’s basic argument about the origins of witchcraft is that witchcraft is found chiefly in women due to several reasons that focus on characteristics of women. Sprenger and Kramer argue that witchcraft in women is more probable because women were very naà ¯ve and impressionable, carnal lust is never satisfied in women, and they are of lower intelligence and weaker memories than men.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Women are viewed as very naà ¯ve and impressionable because they are influenced much easier and therefore they are more likely to become involved with the devil. Women were â€Å"more credulous, and since the chief aim of the devil is to corrupt faith, therefore he rather attacks them†(120). Women being credulous and naà ¯ve makes it easier for the devil to entice them into witchery. They were also much more impressionable making them prime targets for â€Å"disembodied spirits† to influence them and cause wickedness (120). The spirits referred to are those of evil and without faith, and since women were more vulnerable they would be more likely to abandon faith and be inclined to follow the devil. Sprenger and Kramer state that a â€Å"wicked woman is by her nature quicker to waver in her faith, and consequently quicker to abjure the faith, which is the root of witchcraft† (121). This further shows how much more likely it would be for women to become witches since the naivety and impressionability of women is what would cause the quickness to waver and abjure faith.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sprenger and Kramer felt the insatiable carnal lust that was part of women led them to witchery because their lust cannot be satisfied and it would lead to involvement with the devil. Proverbs xxx states â€Å"There are three things which are never satisfied, yea a fourth thing which says not, It is enough; that is, the mouth of the womb† (127). Women basically are viewed as women obsessed with sexual encounters that could not be satisfied by man alone, so they in turn would become involved with the devil to fulfill their desires. This is also shown when a woman falsely accuses Joseph because he would not agree to have sex with her and he ends up imprisoned (121). As explained in the selection â€Å"when she hates someone whom she formerly loved, then she seethes with anger and impatience† (121). This shows how the lust of the woman who accused Joseph caused her wickedness to accuse him.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Management Control in Mnc’s

Control and organizational learning in MNCs: an analysis through the subsidiaries Abstract : For any large complex organization the problem of ensuring its constituent activity in accordance with overall policy and, at the same time adapt to its environment, is a central and continuing concern. Thus, the fundamental question which must be answered is ‘what control mechanism can facilitate the adaptation process in the local market? ’ In multinational corporations (MNCs), the control mechanism, imposed by headquarters, has an objective to integrate the subsidiaries’ activities to the global strategy. However, the presents on the local market necessitates the adaptation to the local environment characteristics. The objective of this paper is to contribute solving the dilemma between control and learning in an MNC. The interaction between control and learning process will be analyzed. The literature study leads us to develop a typology based on two factors: the stage of the learning process (knowledge production and mobilization) and its locus (local or global). The combination of these two factors provides four configurations. The control system produces knowledge, both locally and globally, which can be mobilized by the local or global units. A proposition to resolve our main problem is formulated. The combinations of these four configurations make it possible for an MNC to resolve the dilemma between control and learning. An application of this typology has been carried out by analyzing case studies of MNCs operating in Indonesia. Keywords: control, organizational learning, multinational corporations, local / global 1 Introduction For many companies the process of internationalization strategy leads them to operate in many countries spread over whole continents; they are then confronted with the increasing risks related to uncertainty which rapidly developing countries present (e. g. Argentina in 2001 or Asia in 1997). The MNCs must thus deal with a great number of local heterogeneous situations, fast growth in one, crisis elsewhere, which require local adaptive apacities, but at the same time require the implementation of coordination mechanisms or effective control systems, which do not paralyse initiative and innovation. In order to define the issue of globalization, the question of integration and differentiation can be asked, as was initially developed by Lawrence and Lorsch (1967). The new element which emerges is that of the scale, that of planetary organizations. It is thus a question of answering the centralization / decentralization dilemma which is also described as a local / global dilemma. Beyond the terminologies, this traditionally structural issue has developed in a context where differentiation is at a maximum: national cultures, logistic structures, regulation, local industrial structures and, more generally, multiplicity of specificities. One of them seems worthy of interest to us, the case of a local situation which is characterized by a fundamental crisis. These situations are of particular interest for the researcher: adaptation to major upsets and the decisions taken to respond to these random upsets within a time and space period. This question can also be found in the design of the control mechanisms. Whereas the definition of Anthony (1988) lets us believe that the only purpose of management control is to implement strategy, but the reality is more complex with an explicit role of questioning that strategy (Simons, 1995). Control appears thus not only one factor of order and integration, which fights against entropy and inefficiencies, but also like a vector for learning intended to restore the effectiveness of inadapted local or global strategies. This aspect is even more relevant when the environment is strongly heterogeneous, even more so when it is changing a lot. While taking into consideration that â€Å"the suitability of the control systems to forms of learning which are sought after within the framework of the strategy ensures a certain organizational performance†, we will try to reformulate the traditional integration / differentiation dilemma in terms of control / learning interactions. This movement, this rotation, has the advantage of representing a traditional problem in a more dynamic way. After all, the question of adaptation is not so much a problem of structure as a problem of process. After having specified the subject of our analysis, the MNC, and having outlined the meanings selected of control and organizational learning, we will then describe their possible interactions in order to define an analysis grid. This grid will be tested on French companies located in Indonesia. Control / learning interactions in MNCs The denomination of an MNC covers various realities which all raise such varied problems, in particular as regards integration and differentiation. Between the global specialist which provides a more or less universal model in all the countries of the world and the transnational organization which locates its global processes according to the comparative advantage; there are major differences in terms of goals as well as means. After having assessed the various forms of organization involved in international activities and specified their dynamics, we will develop a framework of analysis of the control / learning interactions in order to propose an analysis grid. The structure of the MNC and its dynamics The diversity of MNCs has led to the proposal of various typologies. The most frequently quoted are those of Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989) which distinguish global, multidomestic and transnational firms, and Heenan and Perlmutter (1979) which identify the ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric and regiocentric models. These two typologies have some common points, for example, the ethnocentric can be associated with the global firm. The typology of Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989) will be used in preference to that of Heenan and Perlmutter (1979) which is more focused on the personal element. This factor remains the first lever of control but we wanted to focus on the way in which operations are organized, which will induce, inter alia, choices in the field of human resources. The configurations described by Bartlett and Ghoshal are ideal types which are seldom observed (Harzing, 2000). Organizational type Configuration of assets and competences Every MNC is faced with the integration / differentiation issue for two main reasons: †¢ organizations always show differences in relation to the standard described ideals, which lets us believe that differentiation and / or integration processes are still on going; †¢ the adoption of heterogeneous organizations according to function maintains tension between integration and differentiation. There are strong differentiating and integrating tensions within the MNC; they are sometimes reformulated in the form of a centralization / decentralization dilemma. These same tensions are observed in the divisional company; they are at the origin of the appearance of a particular coordination mechanism, management control. The basis of this coordination mechanism is on the one hand the decentralization of responsibility and on the other hand the centralization of information. This observation indicates to us a particularly relevant analysis approach. Whereas the differentiation forces introduce into the organization a form of entropy which requires an additional control effort, the integration forces, initially motivated by the search for economies of scale, pose problems of local adaptation. Therefore, the increased learning capacities are essential in order to benefit from these economies. The idealtypic model of a transnational organization would thus be that of a company which is able to strongly centralize information, but at the same time able to inspire considerable learning faculties within its subsidiaries. An other way to appreciate the differentiation integration link is to analyse the relationship between learning and control. The need for the latter must nourish the former. A larger meaning of control Since its emergence in the 1920s at General Motors and its first definition as suggested by Anthony (1965), management control has always proved delicate to define. Nevertheless, there is a certain consensus around the second definition of Anthony (1988), who stated management control â€Å"as the process by which managers influence other members of the organization to implement the organisation’s strategies†. Analytical vision Synthetic vision The analytical vision leads us to consider control systems as a whole set of control tools or means. The synthetic vision provides varied analysis grids in terms of dimensions, goals or configurations. Whatever the approach adopted, the field of management control appears in the end to be particularly wide: there is a divergence between the organizational practices and the meaning outlined by the majority of the researchers. This is why it appears preferable to use the expressions â€Å"control† or â€Å"organizational control† which cover management control but largely exceed it. By retaining such a definition, it is not a question of defending a hegemonic vision of control but simply of underlining the need for developing a whole set of systems with coherent objectives. This coherence is necessary in order to reach its strategic objectives, which is the main aim of control, but also to induce the essential learning in order to reinforce or to question the strategy. The definition of organizational learning is quite as difficult as that of control. Organizational learning and associated concepts The literature reviews devoted to organizational learning are numerous (Koenig, 1994; Huber, 1991;Levitt and March, 1988; Fiol and Lyles, 1985). Each one proposes an individual analysis of the phenomenon. For Levitt and March (1988), â€Å"organizations learn when they code in routines, which guide the practices, of the lesson of their history†. The definition suggested by Argyris and Schon (1978) is complementary: â€Å"we learn when we detect an error and correct it. An error corresponds to a difference between what we await from an action and what occurs indeed, once the committed action. An error, it is the difference between the intention and the result obtained. We also learn when we obtain for the first time an agreement between the intention and the result†. Although Levitt and March (1988) emphasize the organizational dimension whereas Argyris and Schon insist on the individual dimension, the two reflexions indirectly agree about the recognition of distinct levels of learning. For Levitt and March (1988) referring to the work of Cyert and March (1963, pp. 123-125) and Nelson and Winter (1982, pp. 96-136), the two main categories of routine must be distinguished. In order to characterize these two categories of routines, they can be qualified as static and the dynamic ones. The static routines consist of the simple repetition of former practices whereas the dynamic routines are continually directed towards new learning. This second category is a risky process made of trial and error; these routines enable innovation and thus allow organizations to change. These two categories can be put in parallel with the two levels of learning as described by Argyris and Schon (1978): the single and the double loop learning. The first process, when a dysfunction is noted, aims at correcting it by rehabilitating the practices (single loop). The second process requires the principles which underlie the practices to be reformed in order to correct the noted dysfunction (double loop). Based on the work of Argyris and Schon (1978), Sinkula (1994) proposes a more detailed analysis by retaining seven hierarchical levels ranging from encyclopaedic knowledge (declaratory) to the deutero learning (way of producing new knowledge). Management control, in its most traditional and restrictive meaning, plays a privileged role in the learning process: its aim is to identify the deviances, the variations and to explain them in order to undertake corrective action. But is it a question here of individual or organisational learning? The question is of utmost importance even if the individual learning is the basis of the organizational learning. Learning is thus the production process of knowledge. Having defined the concepts of control and learning, their interactions can now be analyzed. Control / learning interactions The link between control and learning is frequently made (Simons, 1995; Macintosh, 1994) even if systematic analysis are still rare. This is one of the research avenues as identified by Bouquin (1999) which are all the more promising as the reporting system activities are the principal sources of knowledge (Huber 1991). Only Kloot (1997) has thoroughly investigated this interaction, even if particular consideration has to be given to the context of the empirical investigations: two Australian districts. Kloot (1997) associates control systems with phases of the learning process but she concentrates mainly on illustrating the role of control systems in generative learning, which is the only way of facing the changing environment. Control systems as varied as appropriate accounting information, performance evaluation systems or a quality improvement program all appear to enable generative learning. These observations confirm those of Simons (1995): that organizations, in general, have an interactive control system which, through debate and dialogue, must enable the emergence of new ideas and new strategies. Simons (1995, p. 106) evokes double loop learning for the interactive systems whereas the diagnosis control systems do not generate single loop learning. Nevertheless, there is a contradiction between the two approaches. Kloot (1997) identifies within the two districts, multiple control systems which enable a higher level whereas learning according to Simons (1995 ), organizations should only have one interactive system. One can envisage two explanations which are more complementary than exclusive: either the identified learning is not of a higher level, or the districts observed are undergoing a crisis period so that they use all their diagnostic control systems in an interactive way. However, the learning process can not only be limited to the sole acquisition of knowledge. Thus, Huber (1991) described this process through the following phases: acquisition of knowledge, distribution of information, interpretation of information and organisational memory. The interest of this division lies in the variety of locus of these phases. Acquisition can be dispersed or on the contrary concentrated in specific services, distribution can be spontaneous or planned, interpretation specialized or generalized and the memory can be distributed or centralized, thus producing a great number of possible configurations. Without exploring all of them one is able to notice that a control can be carried out with each phase. It thus channels the knowledge production process and in return also mobilizes it. knowledge and control: If control is described as a vector of learning (knowledge production), it should also be noted that, in order to have a global vision of the interactions, control systems also mobilize knowledge. This last point will not be developed1 just like the influence of strategic orientations on the types knowledge produced. It is possible to think that the prospectors, such as they are defined by Miles and Snow (1978), will seek to induce more generative knowledge whereas the defenders will privilege more adaptive learning. According to the strategy, the control systems process different types of data. The control mechanisms thus appear as a privileged means of organisational learning, in particular from the point of view where organisational learning is considered as the transformation of individual knowledge into organisational knowledge. The vision of organisational learning as a process which was developed by Crossan et al. 1999) break the learning up into four phases (intuition, interpretation, integration and institutionalization) and associate them to three observation levels. This enables the transformation conditions to be specified. It is first of all advisable to outline that Crossan et al. are interested in strategic change whereas we are interested in all types of learning or knowledge, fro m the most factual to the most elaborate . To resume again with the terminology suitable for international management, institutionalization can be local as well as global. Incremental learning can also lead to local and global change; the same is true for radical learning. It is in the phases of interpretation and integration that the control systems play a major part in the transformation of individual learning into organisational learning. We will not talk about the intuition phase which is basically individual, or the institutionalization phase which consists of using produced knowledge2. During the interpretation phase, the individual, through language, names things and starts to explain what was only feelings, foreboding or sensations. When interpretation moves from the individual to the group, it becomes integration. It is through the permanent exchanges between the members of a community and through shared practices that shared interpretations or the collective conscience develop. The financial indicators illustrate this process. The operations managers generally start by interpreting only the consequences of his actions (intuition followed interpretation). Analysis grid proposal The analysis of control/organisational learning interactions reveals two phases of the same process: knowledge production and mobilization. Vis-a-vis the great diversity of knowledge produced, as illustrated by the typology of Sinkula (1994), it is essential to specify the range the learning. In the case of the MNC, the characterisation of the scope of the learning can be made by analysing the learning locus. Does it relate to a local or global scale? Does it occur in an operational unit or in a central body? By associating the process phase (production / mobilization) and its localization (local / global), four cases thus appear. They correspond to four major types of interaction, which bring out four forms of learning induced by the control tools. The terminology adopted in this typology is more than metaphorical: Knowledge mobilization Global Box 1: The media model ERP, CRM and SCM The integration of information systems enables global knowledge to be produced and circulated, erasing any local specificities, which will be mobilized in the same way. Knowledge is mediatized by technology. Box 2: The initiatory model Studies carried out by head office Studies carried out by head office (global production) are circulated to all the subsidiaries. Each one interprets them to its own local situation. Global knowledge is adapted. Knowledge production by the control system Local Box 3: The evangelist model Identification of best practices The development process of a product used by a subsidiary (local production) is used by all subsidiaries (global mobilization). The best practice, once identified, will be the good word spread through out the organization. Box 4: The epidemic model Benchmarking Exchanges between subsidiary managers, within a benchmarking process, could mean that a locally eveloped practice could be used elsewhere, but always in a local context. Contagious circulation could be more or less widespread. Analysis grid for control/ learning interactions Let us describe these four situations by means of some examples. During a monthly meeting between a manager and his subordinates, a performance follow-up system makes it possible to identify an interesting management practice (local production). This knowledge can be mobilized locally through interpersonal exchanges (box 4, benchmarking being another illustration) or globally if the practice is formalized and circulated throughout the organization (box 3, the ideas box is another example). By processing information from databases, an analyst based at head office will be able to identify a good practice (global production). If these conclusions lead to the formalization of a new management process, the mobilization will be global (box 1, example of a new procedure). If its conclusions are merely available, only the interested people will interpret them and use them freely; the mobilization will be local (box 2). To emphasize the link between the place where the knowledge is produced and that of its mobilization gives the control systems a logistical viewpoint, how then does the control reach its targets? Learning in general, is not limited to the production of knowledge; it is also a way of transmitting that knowledge. The substance of our typology can be found in this dual observation. The â€Å"controlled learning† can thus be defined as the effort made when applying the resulting knowledge and therefore intended to make organisational control effective. The four highlighted forms address this problem very precisely. The media model is also that of the mass media (corporate communication) as well as that of individualized media. It is also that of propaganda, of Utopia which makes us think that a small group can produce a single mental framework, circulated by means of communication technology, thus mediatizing the message. The initiatory model is characterized by two attributes: it can be secret but more often discrete and specific to the person addressed. Discretion guarantees its specificity. In this model, the head office which produces knowledge circulates in a general and ritualized way, by adapting its application to local situations. The main aim of ritualization is to obtain commitment from the receiver. The evangelist model is based on the gospel truth, which solves the problem of circulating a general message by a minority or marginal employee of a message with universal vocation. In extreme cases, one could speak about prophecy. At the heart of the evangelist model one can find the problem of conversion. Finally the epidemiologic model corresponds to a kind of organized anarchy, a network model, without any center or aim, is built through a dynamic of individuals and thoughts. Is there an ideal type? Are some types more adapted than others to certain situations? At this stage of the analysis it is still difficult to decide. It is probably the combination of these four types of mechanism which increases the chances of succeeding internationally by exceeding the local/global or integration/differentiation dilemma. The purpose of empirical study is to further appreciate the relevance of this analysis grid by seeing it in action. Methodology The complexity of the phenomena studied as well as the exploratory character of this research justify the choice of a qualitative method. One must defend the right level of analysis. By asking the classical question concerning the link between differentiation and integration or, in a more dynamic way, the interactions between control systems and learning process, the favoured observation point is the subsidiary. From a strategic point of view, the question is not so much that of choosing a structure than that of the capacity of managing in a way which is adapted to each local unit. These factors are enough to justify the level of analysis but do not take into account the interest of the case which we are studying with the precise aim of testing our analysis grid. It was necessary to find a critical situation in which the need for adaptation was increased by the specific nature and dramatization of local conditions. Indonesia was very recently one of those environments which best met our methodological requirements. The contingencies enabled a multiple yet quite informed examination. These contingencies have their limits, they bare subjectivity. We will have controlled them through different circuits. The managers of six subsidiaries of the largest French groups setup in Indonesia were met by the members of a bicultural research team made up of two Indonesian and two French researchers. In all cases one of the team members spoke the mother tongue of the managers. We met other local members of staff who provided us which additional information. The interviews lasted between 2 to 4 hours. In five cases out of six, more than two interviews were carried out. An information retrieval made it possible for us to prepare and complete the information collected. In all cases, the interviews took place on site, and were accompanied by site visits. They were supplemented by other meetings at the Franco-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, within the economic development department and from among other Indonesian colleagues and specialists. Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world with 220 million inhabitants. The country began to climb out of the 1997 crisis which affected the all of South-East Asia. Although it is very rich in natural resources (oil, natural gas, tin†¦ ) and very vast (1. 8 million square kilometres), in 2002 the primary sector only represented 17% of the GDP as compared with 44% the secondary sector and 39% for the tertiary sector. The year 2002 is the period of study, i. e. during the period immediately after the fall of Suharto, after the social, political and economic shock. This was a period during which the companies interviewed had no clear general direction. The interviews carried out were general. They concerned three main topics: the description of the Indonesian subsidiary, the manager experience and the relations with the group. During these meetings, we gave greater importance to the facts while being very conscious of the limits of such an approach: the crisis situation encouraged the managers to rethink the facts or modify their interpretation in order find some sort of coherence. We sought to identify the actions and the reasons which caused them. The actions seemed to us to be more important than the mental framework. The limits of this test lie in the difficulty of separating the actions from their intentions. Complex coordination mechanisms Given the impact of the strategic orientations on the types of learning, the six cases were split into three groups which are characterized by the combination of two criteria: the degree of the firm’s involvement in Indonesia, and the level of centralized or decentralized control. The degree of involvement is characterized by the level of the investment and assets; the centralized nature can be evaluated by the number of expatriates, the share of the capital controlled and the reporting characteristics. This classification is more down to the researchers than the application of strict criteria. It outlines an analysis in terms of strategic groups, from the nature of the criteria used, but also in the way they describe of homogeneous configurations. This aspect will not be developed. This split only has a methodological aim: to compare control and learning systems by partially controlling the data through the strategies which generate them. The first two companies which correspond to the first group, are characterized by (1) minimal involvement, the following two (2) through a relative immersion in the culture and the economy of the country linked to a large-scale involvement and by the autonomy given to the local unit, and (3) global piloting is the last involvement strategy identified, as it implies a large-scale investment, but with global piloting. Let us remember that all the companies observed are in a similar situation: they are confronted by a country with an attractive market but whose political uncertainties induce risks which strongly influence the entry strategies. Minimal involvement The potential of the Indonesian market is arousing a lot of interest. The first to enter this market could take a decisive lead. Any lost time could only be made up for by paying the full price later on; the preemption market strategy is thus a reasonable one. However, all the companies do not have the necessary financial resources to tap the market or wish to reduce the risk; they thus minimize their investments, while ensuring a presence on the market. Two cases corresponding to this situation were studied. The way in which involvement is minimized is very different in both cases: an alliance in the first case and a commercial presence in the second case. The common point between these two cases is that the local entity is used as place for learning, for experimentation and for observation. One could wonder whether the law rate of involvement does not simply reflect the intention to learn. Giving up immediate profits is the corollary of the hope of substantial profits in the medium/long term. EXAMPLE: PT Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia began its operations in Indonesia in November 1989 under the name of PT Bank BNP Lippo Indonesia. This was a joint venture between the BNP group and the Lippo Indonesia group, one of largest Indonesian conglomerates. Up until February 2000, the distribution of the capital was split between the BNP group with 70% and Indonesian partner with 30%. In October 2000, following the merger between BNP and Paribas, this joint venture became Pt. BNP Paribas Indonesia. For the Lippo Group, the co-operation with BNP Paribas was the result of its strategic development plan in the financial business through an alliance with an organization of worldwide reputation. However, the drop in business after the 1997 crisis led BNP Paribas to increase its share to 100%. PT BNP Paribas Indonesia provides corporate banking services for large Indonesia companies and MNCs. That means that BNP Paribas does not have a retail activity on the Indonesian market, which would be very heavy in terms of investment. The presence of BNP Paribas in Indonesia can be justified by its will to accompany its traditional clients, the MNCs, on the majority of their markets. It is also a question of eing present on a market which could experience strong growth. Thus, BNP Paribas is preceding its clients when they decide to enter the Indonesian market. The weak presence of the competition frequently puts BNP Paribas in a position of being the only key player, hich enables it to demonstrate its know-how and which can help it to grow on other markets. The interest of this strategy is further intensified by the fact that BNP Paribas represents other banks in Indonesia. The manager of the subsidiary carries out the daily management operations. The strategic decisions are taken after consultation with the regional office based in Singapore. Many operations are carried out using the regional SOP (standard operation procedure) or logistics platforms. As with every corporate bank, PT. BNP Paribas Indonesia uses strict procedures in terms of credit granting. For these decisions, the senior banker who is located in Paris or New York plays a determining role; he ensures the follow-up of major worldwide account portfolio. In other words, the manager of the Indonesian subsidiary is the nterface with the client (large Indonesian companies or MNC subsidiaries) but also with the market to make the regional office aware of business opportunities. Immersion Whereas the two preceding case is characterized by a will to minimize investment in Indonesia, the following case can be distinguished by the amount of heavy investment. From these two cases, it is articularly hard to generalize, but the local managers appeared to us to be very receptive to the local culture. The two managers interviewed have few contacts with the French expatriate community This situation is also the result of the plant location of these groups which are not present in the center of the Indonesian capital, but rather symbolic located on industrial parks in the suburbs of this large city. Another common point, lies in the large amount of autonomy in decision making and action taking at the subsidiary. The control mechanisms which have been developed are particularly complex; they illustrate perfectly the local / global dilemma. 4 Case n °3 : Aqua, a subsidiary of Danone This agro-food company has invested heavily in Indonesia by taking a majority share in a family company with more than 7. 000 employees. The family was unable to finance its large industrial investment projects. However, the transition was carried out carefully, over several years, with the objective of completely taking over the Indonesian company. The local manager shows the group culture: after 4 months of presence, he speaks to its teams in ndonesian. The manager is the only expatriate; the other managers are Indonesian and mainly trained in the United States or in Australia. The company also benefits from support functions in finance, marketing and human resources, called â€Å"task forces†, all based in Singapore. Every month, one of these teams plays a consulting role. As concerns technology, the local managers are kept directly informed; indeed, the law wage costs bring about very different problems from those encountered elsewhere. Generally speaking, there are few procedures. The group values are internalised, except communication which has to meet the group’s standards. Besides the geographic mobility of the few foreign managers, training is one of the main vehicles for spreading culture. This is only â€Å"in-house training† according to their specificity, which is organized in Asia or in Paris. One is tempted to conclude that control is based on values, ways of thinking, enabling the company to adapt locally with complete freedom. It can be noted that the Singapore regional coordination ensures the group’s presence even if it is only temporary, minimal and specific. The subsidiary is responsible for its financial performance, but the group influences the marketing methods, technologies and finance through a close but discrete piloting. Global piloting The last two subsidiaries studied have one main feature: they both â€Å"undergo† strict control from their head offices. The difference being from the two previous cases is that these companies are based in the Jakarta business district, completely immersed in a cosmopolitan culture. They are characterized by the large presence of expatriates and various and numerous contacts with the Parisian headquarters. Case synthesis and discussion The observations carried out reveal three recurring factors: the presence of French expatriates, the existence of an intermediary level between the parent company and the Indonesian subsidiary and the misuse of the joint venture. The French expatriate manager often represents the first lever of control. This observation must however be balanced: there are other mechanisms highlighted in the case presentations and there is also bias in the case selection. The French expatriate manager is happy to share his experience which, for the researcher, facilitates the exchanges a lot. It is a means for them to break with a certain form of nsulation. However, when reading the directory of French companies located in Indonesia, one can see that usually the manager is French. The proposed theoretical framework was based on the local / global distinction whereas the reality appears to be more complex with the existence of a quasi-systematic regional direction. A buffer seems necessary either to apply decisions or to support local initiatives. The Asian office is often located in ingapore or Bangkok but sometimes in Paris. The office generally has few means; it is a country manager who frequently carries out this coordination role. The analysis of the role of this level would in itself be a research subject. Finally, the joint venture is often presented as a privileged way to enter an unknown market. This type of governance would make it possible to spread the risk and take advantage of the local partner’s market knowledge. This is what we observed for only one of our six cases. In the other cases, the co-operation is only an administrative constraint which should imperatively be respected in order to obtain authorization to invest in Indonesia. One of the limits of this type of organization is that it makes us believe that development opportunities can only be seized with a minimum of involvement hereas a strong implication is essential to overcome the real cultural barriers. For example, how can one imagine working with a partner who always says â€Å"yes† or more precisely never dares to say â€Å"no†? Having raised these recurrent facts, it is now interesting to present a synthesis of the control mechanisms observed by classifying them according to the proposed a nalysis grid A first striking fact is the difficulty to observe mechanisms enabling the global circulation of local learning, except in the case global piloting strategies (case 5 and 6, L’Oreal and Total). The fact that these mechanisms are not emphasized does not mean that they do not exist. The two cases are in particular engineers who go back to France presumably with bags of local knowledge thus contributing without doubt to the constitution of a more global knowledge. In the other case, his type of knowledge is circulated through interaction between the local manager and his international business manager in Paris. In both cases, one can witness the role of a local information agent. The similarity between the two cases is to be found in the media learning models which move from the center to the periphery and which make up a form of group culture, including sophisticated reporting systems, as well as a specialized structure for international business. The tools which make it possible to produce and mobilize global knowledge (box 1), in accordance with the global corporate model, are mainly not that suprising: it concerns information systems and communication strategy. When products need to be adapted to a market, apart from communication, R&D centralization is a powerful control lever. An original tool has been identified with the case of the senior banker who can make us think of operational form of matrix structure. For the two global piloting cases (L’Oreal and Total) one can see the emergence of a configuration which is based on linking a media learning model (where the center lights up intensely the whole of its empire) and of an evangelist model, limited in range, which would seem to balance the other model. At this stage of the research, one could formulate the idea of a relation between these two models: the first would arouse the second, the latter being finally the control of the control. If the amount of investment justifies uniform knowledge, the weaknesses of the imperial model could be corrected by inoculation in the center of the organization coming from the periphery and brought about by the channel of conviction and personal experience from among the expatriate executives who were then repatriated. One observed the tools enabling organizations to capitalize from learning which is only produced and mobilized locally (box 4, the epidemic model). That mainly concerns cases 1 and 2 (Sanofi and BNP Paribas). It can be explained by the careful strategies of these firms and their limited involvement. The subsidiaries would be laboratories where one tries to adapt and control the local conditions for a possible expansion on a regional level. There is therefore a balance between the epidemic model and the media model which takes on the form of centralizing some knowledge which is mainly related to the technology of the product or service. This learning configuration thus enable a certain acclimatization, if possible, of a core competence and letting local learning processes adapt them. It has been noted that some tools producing global knowledge which will be differently mobilized from one country to an other: training, international experts and tasks forces (which only have an advisory role and distinguishing them from the senior banker). At first sight, we could have thought that these tools would not be widespread; that is not the case. Some of the tools observed are used in different ways. This is the case with corporate culture (box 1 or 2) or expatriates (box 1 or 4). A strong culture can lead to homogeneous behaviour at a global level (Total). However, when the respect for and the adaptation to local cultures are key values (Danone and Air Liquide), the culture brings about different behaviour according to the context. These two last cases are characterized by an initiatory learning model which is based on important information, expertise and training, but leaves the subsidiaries with a strong amount of autonomy. These companies core competences (technology, brand, markets knowledge†¦) could be circulated gently and unintentionally with support from the regional offices as concerns the cultural implications. This is backed up by a second occurrence: the need to adapt locally leads to the organization of learning around a central point made up of a local manager and his regional alter ego. Let us note that it is in these two cases that one observes the lowest number of expatriates and in some cases totally absent. These few cases not only illustrate the different types of control mechanisms used but also the variety of their uses. Two main results emerge. The first one is the identification of three learning configurations linked to the control systems. The first includes two flows, one based on the media model which is balanced by an other flow from an evangelist model. The second one is also based around a media model and uses local support through an epidemic mode. The third one which is also based on a media model which guarantees the group values, is organized around tension between an epidemic and an initiatory model. The first one ensures a certain homogeneity of initiatives and the second one the adaptation and the suitability. Conclusion The proposed analysis grid concerning the interactions control / learning which are based on the phases of the learning process (production and knowledge mobilization) and its locus (local / global) has been developed to study parent company / subsidiary relations. Numerous control tools which can be used in different ways have been observed; tools enabling the control / innovation or integration / differentiation dilemma to be overcome, to broaden its dynamic perspective and to provide deeper analysis of the adaptive process. This grid which was used during the observation period, even though superficial, has finally provided positive results. It reveals learning structures and takes into account their internal and external coherences. It appears to be relevant. One needs, of course, through further in-depth case studies, to test the validity of those three configurations which have been identified. Finally, since we are limited to examine the learning produced by the control system, it would be suitable to examine the relevance of this grid in relation to other sources of knowledge (i. . : dealings with the suppliers and customers, market research†¦ ). These results will necessarily be confirmed through further investigations. The perception of headquarters would be very enriching. One could also contemplate making some comparisons with the practices of American, British, Japanese or German companies. The interviewees have often underlined the differences that exist in practices between their group and their main competitors. It would appear that in terms of international management there exists a French exception. As far as the expert are concerned, the analysis grid represents a diagnostic tool which enables control system weaknesses or further action levers to be identified, to understand further the general configuration of relations between the parent company/ subsidiary and also the general coherence of adaptive mechanisms. It is finally possible to envisage using this grid to analyze other control situations. If we have chosen to work from the specific point of an international management problem, the suggested model could also be applied to other issues, provided that we take are taking into account a question of suitability between local and global learning and that there is a central link between this two points. We should also consider that organizational control systems play a key role in the acquisition, circulation, memorization and use of organizational knowledge.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Baking Brownies

What I am going to demonstrate today is the process of baking brownies. Before we begin, however, let us allow ourselves to look into its definition and a little history: Chocolate brownie or Boston brownie, as it is otherwise known is called â€Å"brownie† because its color is brown (Wikipedia, 2007). Though diminutive in size, it is rich and chocolaty, and is sometimes topped with chocolate chips or nuts (Wikipedia, 2007). History has it that it was in 1897 that brownies have been introduced for the first time in a â€Å"Sears and Roebuck† catalog (Wikipedia, 2007).There are stories, however, that states that there was once a cook who forgot to mix baking powder in the chocolate cake mixture (Wikipedia, 2007). Some historians also claim that Bertha Palmer asked that a dessert be placed in box lunches, thus, motivating Chicago’s Palmer House Hotel in Chicago to design what is to be known as a â€Å"Brownie† (Wikipedia, 2007). This paper entitled, â€Å"B aking Brownies† intends to briefly reintroduce the definition and history of brownies, as well as, provide the steps to baking it, starting from the gathering of ingredients until its cutting into bars. Baking UtensilsHowever, before we begin with the process of baking brownies; we should first make sure that we have all the baking utensils we will need. First of all, we will need one bowl (Collister, 2006). This will be used as a mixing container (Collister, 2006). Secondly, one glass baking pan is necessitated (Collister, 2006). This is where the brownie mixture will be placed, before it is baked in the oven (Collister, 2006). The third is to make sure that a dish towel or an oven mitt is available nearby (Collister, 2006). It will be used when the glass baking pan is placed and taken out of the oven (Collister, 2006).The fourth is to get a spatula which will be utilized in folding, mixing, scraping, smoothing batters, lifting, removing and turning the brownie to allow the o ther side to turn brown if desired (Collister, 2006). Last but not least is to get the mixing spoon, as well as, measuring cups and spoons (Collister, 2006). Baking Brownies the Easy Way Now that we know a little bit about its definition, we may proceed to the process on how it is actually prepared: First of all, we need to make sure that we have all the ingredients we will need (Collister, 2006).These include the following (Collister, 2006): 1) 1 cup or 250 ml butter 2) 4 oz or 115 g or 4 squares unsweetened chocolates 3) 2 cups or 500 ml sugar 4) 4 pieces eggs 5) 2 tsp or 10 ml vanilla 6) 1 ? cups or 375 ml sifted all-purpose flour 7) ? tsp or 2 ml salt 8) 1 ? cups or 375 ml pecan halves 9) icing sugar Secondly, we need to heat the oven to a hundred and ninety degrees Celsius or three hundred seventy five degrees Fahrenheit (Collister, 2006). Thirdly, after heating the oven, we grease the 13- x 9-in or 33- x 23- x 5-cm cake pan (Collister, 2006).The fourth step is to place the but ter and chocolate on top the double boiler and set over simmering water (Collister, 2006). Stir occasionally over the heat until the butter, as well as, the chocolate is melted (Collister, 2006). Fifth, the sugar should be placed in a medium mixing bowl, then after that, the chocolate mixture should be poured over before stirring it (Oliver, 1993). Immediately after, the unbeaten eggs should be added one at a time, beating lightly utilizing a wooden spoon (Oliver, 1993). The term â€Å"lightly† means just enough to blend (Oliver, 1993).Then the vanilla should be stirred next (Oliver, 1993). After which, the flour and salt should be sifted into the chocolate mixture making sure that it is stirred before stirring in the pecans (Oliver, 1993). The sixth step is to spread it in the prepared pan and bake it for twenty five to thirty minutes or until sides test done but an impression stays in the middle when touched lightly with the finger (Oliver, 1993). It is good to remember tho ugh that brownies are much better or even best when somewhat underdone (Oliver, 1993).The final step is to take it out from the oven and sift icing sugar thickly over the top and cut it into bars while it is still warm (Oliver, 1993). Conclusion Brownies are called so because of its rich, chocolaty, brown color (Wikipedia, 2007). Its history has not been confirmed though there are several interesting stories that may back it up (Wikipedia, 2007). Interestingly, it is easy to prepare. First the oven should be heated and cake pan should be greased (Collister, 2006). Secondly, the butter and chocolate should be melted (Collister, 2006).Third, the sugar, chocolate mixture, eggs, vanilla, flour, salt, and pecans should be mixed together (Oliver, 1993). Fourth, the mixture should be placed on the cake pan, and baked (Oliver, 1993). Then finally, it should be taken out and icing sugar be sifted over it and then sliced (Oliver, 1993). References Collister, L. (2006). Brownies. New York: Ryl and Peters & Small. Oliver, M. (1993). The Good Food Cookbook. Montreal: Optimum Publishing Company. Wikipedia. (2007). Brownies. Retrieved March 1, 2007 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Chocolate_brownie

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Life of Abagail Williams essays

The Life of Abagail Williams essays Hi, my name is Abagail Williams. You have probably heard of me from the Salem Witch Trials. I was twelve years old when the out break of witchcraft terrified the residents living in the town of Salem, Massachusetts. Hundreds of people were accused, the majority forced to deteriorate in jail while their cases were studied and considered for trial. Accused witches were forced to confess to witchcraft, under the fear that if they did not, they would be executed. The trials were usually brutal and unfair with the doctrine, the charged were guilty before proven innocent, and the only option for their survival was to confess and name their charge. In reality, there never were any real witches in Salem, it all began with the lies and stories I told. You might ask yourself Why did this travesty of justice occur? Salem was the prime spot for an event of this capacity. The unfortunate combination of economic conditions, congregational strife, teenage boredom, and personal jealousies account for the spiraling accusations, trials, and executions that occurred in the spring and summer of 1692. The Salem Witch Trials was a dark time in American History. Neighbors became suspicious of one another. The testimonies of myself and other children put many to death. Many were brutally tortured until they confessed or died. It all started when Tituba, a slave of my uncles began secretly to tell the local girls (including Betty and myself) stories about evil curses and mysterious voodoo from her homeland. My cousin Betty, and I became restless. Betty complained of a burning fever, dashed noisily about the house, contorted of pain, and dove under furniture. I, however, was afflicted in a completely different method: I went into trance like states from which I could not (or would not) be awakened and went into fits that closely resembled epileptic seizures. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to write an analytical essay on To Kill a Mockingbird

How to write an analytical essay on To Kill a Mockingbird Analytical Essay on To Kill a Mockingbird Why write an analytical essay on To Kill a Mockingbird How to start an analytical essay: Tips on how to start Outline example Tips on how to write a thesis statement How to write an introduction Tips on how to write an introduction and a thesis How to write body paragraphs: Tips on body writing How to finish an analytical essay: Tips on conclusion writing Analytical essay revision Analytical essay on To Kill a Mockingbird (Sample) Why write an analytical essay on To Kill a Mockingbird Students undertaking literature courses often analyze various kinds of literature as part of their coursework. An analytical essay requires students to review and critically analyze a written work. The story To Kill a Mockingbird is an example of several kinds of literature that depicts how discrimination affected many families living in the southern parts of the US during the 1930s. The story highlights how different characters undergo significant changes despite living in an environment where discrimination was widely practiced. Harper Lee book, To Kill A Mockingbird, presents the theme of courage using a small family living in Maycomb county to depict courage in their fight against racial discrimination. How to start an analytical essay: Tips on how to start Analytical essays help the target audience understand the overall composition of the story by scrutinizing the literature including the characters. An analytical essay is divided into different sections to provide evidence about the authors perspective based on his understanding of the text. A good analytical essay needs to capture the audience interest; the author should use startling statements. Some background information related to the theme should be presented to help the audience understand the authors area of focus. A good analytical essay presents a critical review, including artistic styles used by the author to present the theme. It is important to identify which section of the book is to be analyzed and also the significance of the theme according to the original author. Outline example of analytical essay INTRODUCTION Explain the significance of the book A brief background of the theme and how the background connects to the theme BODY PARAGRAPHS Describe the specific elements used by the author to advance his theme in the story Present examples to justify the authors’ choice of element Describe the role of the main characters and how the characters enhances the plot Describe the authors strengths and weaknesses CONCLUSION Review the book and justify the significance of the book Some of the lessons learned from the story How to write a thesis for an analytical essay on To Kill a Mockingbird The thesis statement states the main ideas of an essay. A thesis statement is what the author wants to justify. For example, a good thesis statement for an analytical essay about To Kill A Mockingbird, with the central idea of courage, the thesis statement can be as follows: Courage is evident throughout the story; for example, Atticus constant fight against racism and Mrs. Dubose overcoming her addiction to morphine demonstrates courage amidst fear. How to write an introduction A good introduction needs to inform the audience what to expect in the following paragraphs. The first sentence of an essay should be clear and precise. The reader should be able to understand what the author intends to discuss by reading the introduction. Tips on how to write an introduction and a thesis The introduction needs to include the original authors name and the main theme; the introduction needs to convey the writers position concerning the original authors ideas. The introduction should indicate the main ideas to be discussed by presenting a thesis statement. An eye-catching introduction will attract the readers attention; therefore, the first few sentences of the introduction should be clear and precise. An analytical essay structure should contain the authors perspective on the subject, the purpose and the target audience as part of the introduction. How to write body paragraphs: Tips on body writing The body paragraphs should expand on the essay introduction by supporting the thesis statement. The body paragraphs have to present evidence to prove the claim by using specific text examples in order to justify the authors position. A five-paragraph analytical essay should contain three major parts, the introduction, essay body and the conclusion. The body paragraphs should contain at least three paragraphs to explain the main essay idea. The body paragraphs should also present a detailed explanation of the authors claims, including the strategies used. When analyzing literature, the author should discuss each chapter or analyze specific sections to present his claims. It is important to describe the rhetorical strategies used and explain if they are effective or not. The analysis needs to provide examples to support the authors position. How to finish an analytical essay: Tips on conclusion writing The conclusion is the last part of an essay that sums up all the argument to remind the reader of the main purpose of the essay. Conclusion means reminding the reader of the discussion. Therefore, the conclusions should contain brief sentences as a summary of what has been discussed. A good conclusion outlines the main issues discussed and linking the discussion to prove the claims made in the thesis statement. A good conclusion needs to connect the main idea with a broader argument or compare the argument using a broader perspective. When concluding an essay, the main focus should be on the discussion presented in the introduction and the essay body. The author should not present any new ideas when concluding. The author needs to discuss his position after the analysis and the implications of his findings. Analytical essay revision After completing the essay draft, it is important to review the essay to make it look professional. The essay needs to be free from any grammatical errors. Revision means checking for proper use of pronouns, subject agreement, proper sentence structure, and punctuations. Ensure that the language is simple; avoid unnecessary words that might confuse the reader. Analytical essay on To Kill a Mockingbird (Sample) Harper Lees story To Kill A Mockingbird presents a realistic story dating back to 1930s that resonate today. The most important theme of the story is about courage. To Kill A Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, talks about a small town in the southern part of the 1930s, focusing on Maycomb county where the struggles of life are evident. Some of the notable characters like Atticus Finch, Jem and Scout present how discrimination affected many people living in the south. Harper explores the moral nature of humans, especially the struggle between discrimination and tolerance. Courage is evident throughout the story; for example, Atticus constant fight against racism and Mrs. Dubose overcoming her addiction to morphine demonstrates courage. The novel reveals not only prejudice but also examines the nature of prejudice and its consequences. The story setting and the period in which the story was written convey the struggles of many characters to fight racial discrimination. This involves the persecution of innocent people, especially during Tom Robinsons trial. Courage is evident in several parts of the book, for instance, the children Jem and Scout stands up to face their fears. Jems and Scouts bravery is noticeable in one of the scenes where they follow Atticus Finch in court during the rape trials to witness how he defends Tom Robinson. Scout displays heroism when addressing Walter Cunningham without fearing any repercussions of his actions. To Kill A Mockingbird proves how several characters had hope and courage amid rampant discrimination; they overcome fear to defend their position in the society. The novel shows the reader how courage can impact on others.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Air pollution

Air pollution Abstract The health effects of air pollution have been subject to intense study in recent years. Exposure to pollutants such as airborne particulate matter and ozone has been associated with increases in mortality and hospital admissions due to respiratory and cardiovascular disease. These effects have been found in short-term studies, which relate day-to-day variations in air pollution and health, and long-term studies, which have followed cohorts of exposed individuals over time. Effects have been seen at very low levels of exposure, and it is unclear whether a threshold concentration exists for particulate matter and ozone below which no effects on health are likely. In this review, we discuss the evidence for adverse effects on health of selected air pollutantsAbstract The health effects of air pollution have been subject to intense study in recent years. Exposure to pollutants such as airborne particulate matter and ozone has been associated with increases in mortality and hospital admissions due to respiratory and cardiovascular disease. These effects have been found in short-term studies, which relate day-to-day variations in air pollution and health, and long-term studies, which have followed cohorts of exposed individuals over time. Effects have been seen at very low levels of exposure, and it is unclear whether a threshold concentration exists for particulate matter and ozone below which no effects on health are likely. In this review, we discuss the evidence for adverse effects on health of selected air pollutants

Friday, October 18, 2019

Quantitative Analysis for Management Speech or Presentation

Quantitative Analysis for Management - Speech or Presentation Example But escalates labor cost by 32% that is 4,000 hours out of the total number of 12,500 hours. Then the subsequent mode; is modified model after taking into reconsideration the labor time and corresponding labor cost: Through searching for the maximum profits mainly based on the LP utilizing POM software, the corresponding maximum profits will be $59,900 resulted from the prevailing manufacturing 1,100 units of W00075C, 250 units of W0033C, and 600 units of W0007X (Render & Stair, Hanna, 2012). Moreover, the outcome also depicts of not to produce W0005C product. Addition of more headcounts within the drawing department will reduce the labor time and increasing the labor cost by 32% (Anderson, 2013). In regard to the outcome from the POM software, the underlying quantity of the will not change (Anderson, 2011). Nevertheless, the change is better but result to less profit of $53,653 since there is no escalation within the pricing but resulting to increase burden thus increasing the cost. In order to attain maximum profits the produce will be 1,100 units of the W0075C, 250 units of W0033C and 600 units of W0007X. Company ought to reject the orders of producing 1,510 units of the W0005X. Moreover, it will be better for the company not to escalate the underlying number within the drawing department for it to maintain low cost (Anderson, 2011). The model utilized to solve the prevailing problem suffers from the limitation that there are numerous optimal outcomes and a diverse answer might be attained depending on the underlying sequence in which the constraints are normally answered (Anderson, 2013). Yes, alteration by 40% to a relatively higher value would significantly reduce the costs. This can be depicted by the sensitivity analysis that is changing to 60 makes the cost to be $2,485.83 whilst changing to 80% makes the cost to be $2,382.08. Therefore, as the


THE GENERAL ELECTRIC AND THE HEWLETT PACKARD (HP) - Essay Example The competitive advantage refers to an advantage gained over competitors either by providing greater value to consumers, by lowering the prices, or by offering more benefits and service which justifies the higher price. Corporate strategies are the central point of achieving the competitive advantage by making assumptions on an organization’s external environment and its resources, and by creating policies on how the organization should operate. General Electric and Hewlett Packard are the two most influential companies in the technology market. A comparative study of the strategies used by GE and HP reveals that both have formulated analogous strategies in the various aspects of their business operation. ----------------- Introduction The Hewlett-Packard Company, commonly known as the HP, is a well established and very large global firm founded in 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard and headquartered in California, United States. Their products focus mainly on technology li ke computer, printing, digital imaging, and also software services. General Electric (GE) is the producer of diversified technology, media, and services, and was incorporated in 1892. It offers products and services ranging from aircrafts engines, power generation, technology in medical imaging, business and consumer financing, and many more over 100 countries. The GE has a long history of success in their technological trade and their achievements prove the value of their view, â€Å"why predict the future when you can create it?† (Our history). The Economical Environment The economical environment of the business consists of four elements, they are Political, Economic, Social, and technological. The economic environment today is moving through vibrant and unstable phases due to globalization and increasingly competitive markets. However, the Hewlett Packard Company takes advantage of exploiting new markets all around the world, engaging with other multinational corporations . A big advantage to the company is their product diversity which helps them to survive the recession. At the same time, the GE is faced with many social issues regarding environmental pollutions. It has become a topic for controversies with regards to the immense ownership and control over the media sources. The company has been alleged for spending millions of dollars on commercial ads and television program sponsorships to ensure its environmental friendly image. The General Electric Company performs its functions in micro and macro environment. The micro-environment consists with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders of the business. The GE treats its customers as an integral part of the company in the successful running of the business. The GE has taken higher efforts to integrate the company’s view with the customers’ view rather than considering them as mere investors. As customer service has been considered as the vital part of the performance, it mainta ins three crucial components regarding the quality offered to customers; the employees, the process, and the customers themselves. On the other hand, the organizational culture of HP is built up progressively over a time, which helps the employees to define how they feel about their job. The HP has succeeded in creating a positive influence of the culture on their employees. A positive culture helps to stimulate commitment towards the job and to achieve the proposed goals. Decision Making The General Electric Company employs some basic strategies in their decision making. One among them is to invest and tap the internal market within the reach of the company. This strategy seems to have utilized the principle that ‘a business must be employee-oriented if it wishes to be customer-oriented’

BHE 415 - Community and Domestic Violence (Module 4-SLP) Essay

BHE 415 - Community and Domestic Violence (Module 4-SLP) - Essay Example The rate of physical violence towards the elderly people is more than the street violence and the studies have shown that elderly people are more likely to be harmed by family members than the strangers (Quinn & Tomita 1997 p33). The fact that most of the abuse is caused at the hands of children, spouse or close relatives make it shameful for the elders being abused to report it to the authorities. There are different reasons for not reporting the abuse and most of them are based on the fear of being exposed in the society. Some of the reasons that lead to not exposing the torture and the abuse are protection of the family privacy, embarrassment in front of people, humiliation, fear that they will be tortured more if the abuse is reported, a belief that they deserve the abuse and the fear that if the abuse is reported then they will be sent to the care center and hence lose the privacy of life (Elder Abuse Awareness n.d.). However, there are other reasons like elderly people being incapable of understanding that they are being abused. Elderly people suffering from mental problems like dementia and Alzheimer’s are not in position to understand that they are being abused(Quinn & Tomita 1997 p53). In the book, ‘Mental abuse and neglect’, a case of a elderly woman who was 78-year old and was a widow, is described. In this case, the elderly woman confused her son to be her husband and was being sexually exploited by her son. So even the physical and mental incapability of reporting the abuse is a cause of the abuse not getting reported. The short term consequences are mostly physical in nature like bruises over the body, scratches, scars

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Space Research Paper

Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Space - Research Paper Example r, is not always the case in the country because many parks continue to suffer from lack of essential recreational facilities or over-emphasis on the natural environment at the expense of modern park facilities for sports and other modern forms of recreation (Godbey et al., 2008). The major problem is that irrespective of the relative development of many other public facilities in urban areas in the country, recreational parks still remain largely underdeveloped and traditional. The lack of modern facilities and other incentives in parks is keeping many people especially of the young generation from sufficiently utilizing these essential public spaces. 1.2 Research Questions This study was aimed at answering the following questions; 1) What is the role of recreational parks in urban neighborhoods in the area of study? 2) Is there optimum utilization of recreational parks in the area? 3) What are the challenges facing recreational parks in the study area? 4) What steps can be taken to modernize recreational parks for optimum value to the communities they serve? 1.3 Purpose of Study The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social and physical benefits of parks and urban green recreation spaces in the United States. The study involves comparative investigation of a number of public parks in residential neighborhoods of Los Angeles whereby various essential parameters of the parks are studied. This includes space allocated for the parks, facilities within the parks and the space allocated to each of the facilities, the number of people utilizing the parks and their mix in terms of age and race. The study also includes other characteristics related to the parks including issues such as crime and health. 2.0 Literature Review In view of the importance of parks as... The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social and physical benefits of parks and urban green recreation spaces in the United States. The study involves comparative investigation of a number of public parks in residential neighborhoods of Los Angeles whereby various essential parameters of the parks are studied. This includes space allocated for the parks, facilities within the parks and the space allocated to each of the facilities, the number of people utilizing the parks and their mix in terms of age and race. The study also includes other characteristics related to the parks including issues such as crime and health.In view of the importance of parks as areas for recreation and environmental conservation, many studies are increasingly being carried out to highlight their physical and social benefits to the society as well as improve their management.Urban nature in the form of parks, forests, and green belts, and its components such as trees and water, positively impacts the environment and ecology of a region. It accomplishes â€Å"important environmental services such as air and water purification, the wind and noise filtering, and microclimate stabilization†. Thus, parks promote physical health by providing green spaces and fresh air for exercising and walking and increase social well-being through opportunities for interacting with neighbors and peers at a shared, common location. The social and psychological services of parks and recreation are vital for the livability of modern cities.

Different Views on Organic Food Annotated Bibliography - 1

Different Views on Organic Food - Annotated Bibliography Example The department of agriculture in the US wanted to accept genetically engineered sugar seeds to be sold to farmers. There was the assertion that this decision will increase the risk of organic food being contaminated by genetically engineered materials. This has prompted a proposal to guard organic foods against genetically engineered seeds. Some people argued that genetically engineered foods do not co-exist with organic foods because these two methods of farming do not relate. However, it has been argued that genetically engineered foods contaminate organic foods through transfer of genetic materials via pollen grains, which in turn threaten organic foods. It is unclear to determine the health benefits of organic foods because they are believed to contain microbial bacteria that is found in organic fertilizer. These bacteria are risky to the health of a person. However, organic foods are not more contaminated like conventional foods because the use of synthetic fertilizers in conventional foods is very risky in that these fertilizers contain dangerous chemicals like phosphorous that affect human metabolism. As Dena et al argue, organic foods are safer and healthier than conventional foods since they contain more nutrients and are chemical free. Further, Dena et al  state that eating organic foods may decrease exposure to herbicide residues and pesticides resistant bacteria.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Adolf Hitler Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Adolf Hitler - Research Paper Example Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born to Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl on April 20, 1889 in a small Austrian village of Braunau Am near the German border. Alois was an illegitimate child of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. It is suspected that the father was a Jewish boy of the house where Maria used to work although there is no certain evidence to support this. This is important because Hitler would later in his life go on to start a campaign of eliminating Jews and their lineages, however remote they be. By the time Alois married Adolf’s mother, he already had two kids from previous marriages – a boy and a girl. Adolf was the fourth of the six children from this marriage, the previous three having died before reaching age 3 - so Hitler would get special attention from his mother due to her fear of losing him. Alois, a civil servant, retired after 40 years of service in 1896, the same year as Adolf started attending school at age six. Having been used to strict working life, Alois would often take out his frustration of retirement on the oldest boy in the household - Alois Jr., who was 13.He, however, ran away from home at age 14 which meant that Adolf, at age 7, would now be the subject of harsh words and beating from their father. At this time, the family moved to Lambach, Austria and then to Leonding, near Linz in 1898. Around this time, one day while rummaging through his father’s library, Hitler came across a book on the Franco-German war of 1870-71. He found the book very interesting and soon became more and more enthusiastic about anything related to war. In his memoires, Mein Kampf, Hitler recalls â€Å"It was not long before the great heroic struggle had become my greatest inner experience. From then on I became more and more enthusiastic about everything that was in any w ay connected with war or, for that matter, with soldiering.† When Adolf Hitler completed grade school, he wanted to become an artist but his father forced him to go to the technical school with the wish that Adolf become a civil servant one day just like Alois had been. Hitler did quite poorly in the first year as he wanted to show his father that he was unsuitable for technical school as he wrote in Mein Kampf (Chapter 2) "I thought that once my father saw what little progress I was making at the [technical school] he would let me devote myself to the happiness I dreamed of." But his father refused to listen and persisted with Adolf staying in the technical school which made Adolf perform badly in the school and indulge in various pranks and disobedience of his teachers. Then in 1903, Adolf’s father died of lung hemorrhage making Adolf the head male of the house. This also meant that his struggles with his father over the choice of career would come to an end and there would be no more harsh words or arguing with his father. In 1904, Hitler left the high school at Linz and moved to another one at Steyr, a town 25 miles from Linz. Here, Hitler lived in a small house with another boy and the boys would sometimes amuse themselves by shooting rats. During summer 1905, Hitler suffered from an inherited lungs disease. In September 1905, after passing an exam, Hitler and his friends celebrated it with drinks leading to him getting drunk and being woken up next day in the streets. After this incident, Hitler swore never to drink again. Using his poor health as an excuse, Hitler finally got rid of the school at age 16 and after spending some

Different Views on Organic Food Annotated Bibliography - 1

Different Views on Organic Food - Annotated Bibliography Example The department of agriculture in the US wanted to accept genetically engineered sugar seeds to be sold to farmers. There was the assertion that this decision will increase the risk of organic food being contaminated by genetically engineered materials. This has prompted a proposal to guard organic foods against genetically engineered seeds. Some people argued that genetically engineered foods do not co-exist with organic foods because these two methods of farming do not relate. However, it has been argued that genetically engineered foods contaminate organic foods through transfer of genetic materials via pollen grains, which in turn threaten organic foods. It is unclear to determine the health benefits of organic foods because they are believed to contain microbial bacteria that is found in organic fertilizer. These bacteria are risky to the health of a person. However, organic foods are not more contaminated like conventional foods because the use of synthetic fertilizers in conventional foods is very risky in that these fertilizers contain dangerous chemicals like phosphorous that affect human metabolism. As Dena et al argue, organic foods are safer and healthier than conventional foods since they contain more nutrients and are chemical free. Further, Dena et al  state that eating organic foods may decrease exposure to herbicide residues and pesticides resistant bacteria.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Written Assignment Essay Example for Free

Written Assignment Essay Answer all of the following questions. Title your assignment Written Assignment 4, unless your mentor directs otherwise. This assignment covers text chapters 18 through 23. 1. Explain the relationship among savings, investment, and net capital outflow. Savings are equal to domestic investment + net capital outflow. In an open economy, both net capital outflow ( which is the purchase of foreign assets by domestic investors minus the purchase of domestic investments by foreigners) and savings and domestic investments are both ways of saving, and are both used to get the full picture of total saving. 2. Describe the economic logic behind the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP). What factors might prevent PPP from holding true? The purchasing power parity tells us the a unit of any given currency should be able to buy the same quantity of goods in all countries. This principle is based on the fact that prices should remain constant for goods no matter where the goods are purchased, otherwise there is an opportunity for profit that was left un-exploited. The theory has 2 holes in it. Firstly, some goods are not easily traded, and secondly, some goods cannot easily be substituted for another. 3. Describe supply and demand in the market for loanable funds and the market for foreign currency exchange. How are these markets linked? Supply and demand of loanable funds is determined by the real interest rate. A higher interest rate causes people to save and raises supply where a lower real interest rate does the opposite. In the market for foreign currency exchange, the real exchange rate balances out supply and demand. A higher U.S. real exchange rate increases U.S. goods compared to foreign goods, and exports fall. These 2 markets are linked because between the 2 of them, they determine national saving, domestic investment, net capital exports and net exports. 4. What is capital flight? When a country experiences capital flight, what is the effect on the countrys interest rate and exchange rate? Capital flight is a large and sudden reduction in the demand for assets located in a country. The currency of the country depreciates in value and the interest rate rises. 5. List and explain the three theories for why the short-run aggregate-supply curve is upward sloping. Sticky wages. Wages are slow to adjust and may not be able to be changed. Steady wages can be harmful to a company and cause them to have lower production levels. Nominal wages are based on expected prices and are slow to respond when the actual prices ends up being different. Sticky price. Prices for some goods and services also are â€Å"sticky† and take time to adjust. This is due in part to â€Å"menu costs†, or the administrative costs incurred by changing the prices of a product in a firm. Misperceptions. Different businesses read the market different ways. A misperception in the trend of the market can cause suppliers to supply more product, even when the demand is not truly there. 6. What might shift the aggregate-demand curve to the left? Use the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply to trace through the short-run and long-run effects of such a shift on output and the price level. Use the following diagram to help explain your answer. Point A is the short-run equilibrium point whereas Point C is the long run equilibrium point. Higher prices lower costs and shift demand to the left (lower). If for say, the current market price of this item is at Point C, and the market price drops, the demand for the item will rise, shifting the curve to the left. 7. Suppose the Fed expands the money supply, but because the public expects this Fed action, it simultaneously raises its expectation of the price level. What will happen to output and the price level in the short run? Compare this result to the outcome if the Fed expanded the money supply but the public didn’t change its expectation of the price level? Use the diagram below to explain your answer. The output should remain constant if the FED had raised its expectation of the price level over time, but immediately, the raise is price would cause in increase in production. The equilibrium point should shift from point a, to point c temporarily, then up to point out as it balances out. If the FED did not change it’s expectations in the price levels, than the equilibrium should move to pint c from pint a, and stay there. 8. What is the theory of liquidity preference? How does it help explain the downward slope of the aggregate-demand curve? This is the theory that the interest rate adjust to bring the money supply and demand into equilibrium. A higher price level increases the demand for money, as people will carry more to pay the higher prices. Higher prices in turn causes a higher interest rate. The higher interest rate reduces goods demanded, and supply will also shift downward. 9. Suppose that survey measures of consumer confidence indicate a wave of pessimism is sweeping the country. If policymakers do nothing, what will happen to aggregate demand? Explain what the Fed should do if it wants to stabilize aggregate demand. If the Fed does nothing, explain what Congress might do to stabilize aggregate demand. If policy makers do nothing, demand will fall, so will production and employment. Eventually, recession and possible depression afterwards. The Fed can do things such as lowering the interest rate to help stimulate the economy. Congress may decide to cut taxes in an attempt to simulate the economy, but they can also increase government spending to stabilize the economy. 10. What is natural about the natural rate of unemployment? Explain why the natural rate of unemployment might differ across countries. The natural means that it is beyond the influence of monetary policy. Different countries have different abilities, laws and demand for employment. For instance, the country may not be able to organize in the same fashion as a union shop here is the US. might. 11. What causes the lags in the effect of monetary and fiscal policy on aggregate demand? What are the implications of these lags for the debate over active versus passive policy? Aggregate demand has lags in policy due to the time it takes for the policy to take affect. Additionally, the spending plans are set in advance so it also takes time for changes to affect spending. The biggest issue is the ability to time the policy correctly, since it takes time for everything to adjust. 12. Some economists say that the government can continue running a budget deficit forever. How is that possible? Since population and technological progress grow over time, so do a nation’s ability to repay the interest on it’s debt. As long as the debt grows slower than the nation’s income, this is possible. Reference: Mankiw, N. G. (2008). Principles of Macroeconomics. Fifth Edition. Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.